cathe, whats your opinion......



ive heard that working out on a empty stomach, especially in the morning is the optimal time for fat burning, is this true? also, is eating six healthy meals better then 3? thanks! gabrielle
"cathe, whats your opinion......"

I'm not Cathe, but I don't think it's a good idea. Where does your energy come from? If you have a juicer or can borrow one, I recommened juicing two ribs of celery with an apple. Any apple would do, but I use Granny Smiths. You can add more apples if you like. I drink this before working out and it gives me so much energy! As far as meals so, I've heard that it's best to eat several small ones throughout the day instead of three big ones. I hope this helps.
cathe,whats your opinion

Hi - I am not Cathe either but I just wanted to let you know for fat burning you are right on track. I am a certified personal trainer and doing cardio first thing in the morning really boosts fat loss - as does eating 5-6 small meals/day. Good luck!! :)
Hi Gabrielle!

I don't think working out on an empty stomach is ever a good idea. It can leave you feeling faint, dizzy, nauseous, and/or depleted(the shakes). Food fuels your muscles. Now, you don't want to eat too close to your workout time since this will interfere with digestion, but you DO want to have some energy reserves in your system. Eating around two hours before you workout(unless its a very heavy meal)should provide you with some good energy to fuel your workout.

As far as working out in the morning for optimal fat burning, this has still not been scientifically proven to my knowledge. Some research has lead people to believe this but it is still under debate.

Yes, eating 6 small healthy meals is better than eating 3 larger ones. From a health stand point, it is better for and easier on the digestive system. It also helps to keep your sugar levels more balanced. From a body fat loss standpoint, since your sugar levels are more balanced, you will be less likely to develop cravings that can lead to binge eating. Also, with smaller and more frequent meals, you will not be as likely to reach for "in between meal" high calorie junk snacks, which almost always leave a deposit in our fat stores.

Hope this helps!

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