Cathe: What rotation should I do next?


Hi Cathe!

I haven't been on your forums for quite a while but I need your advice.

I've been working Meso 3 incorporating Shock Cardio now for 6 weeks. BTW: Shock Cardio goes extremely well w/Meso 3. I'm loving it. However, I'm now starting to feel quite fatigued & the weights are feeling like bricks.

What would you suggest I do for my next rotation? I'm learning towards your undulating one but would value your expertise.

Also, I finally mastered the MMA ab moves. That took a while!!!! (sticking my tongue out here) LOL

Thanks so much for all you do in keeping this very fit 56 yr. old look younger & younger!
Decided to answer my own ?

Cathe you must be extremely busy. I just decided to take a well deserved rest week. I haven't tried Cardio Blast yet so will definitely do this one on Friday.

Starting on Sunday, I've decided to do the undulating rotation mixing in the Shock Cardios. I have a lot of other intense instructors for cardio so I'll be incorporating them too.

Thanks anyway.

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