Cathe- what is your typical day like?



Hi! I am new (Aug 1) to the site. I was just wondering what your typical day is like. Sorry if you have answered this before.

Thsnk you and take care
Bumping - I'd be interested to know! You must be so busy with your two little ones, monitoring the forums, teaching and putting together new workouts! Do you ever have time for yourself?

I have two little ones - the same age as yours and I work full time and barely fit in a workout. We're just wondering how you do all of it?!?
Hi Sabrina and Lynne! Are you sure you really want to know this;-). I used have have more typical days but I must admit the last few months have been consumed with more atypical days. I'm learning to "go with the flow" of what the day brings. The days have become atypical lately because I have been asked to do more (on or off location) work assignments that take me anywhere from hours to days at a time. Also, as we get closer to the new facility opening, there are many more meetings, auditions, interviews, and game plans to review.

But typically in the past my day went as follows:

Early Morning: Time with kids
Mid Morning: usually teach a class or do my own cardio
Late Morning: meetings, or interviews, or website work, or forums
Lunch: YES:9
Early Afternoon: phone calls, meetings for new facility, working on choreography, or on forums
Mid Afternoon: a quick lift and then back to choreograph
Late Afternoon: sometimes teach class and then home with kids
Dinner: family time
Early Evening: more family time: playtime, baths, stories, bedtime
Late Evening: choreograph

Family time by day and choreographing workouts by night(unless away on work assignment)

You are a true QUEEN and I hope your DH and little ones appreciate this. Your schedule would make anyone on this forum jump through hoops and pull their hair out, literally. And I thought my schedule was frantic, I bow down to you...and I am doing my curtsey right now!!!

In this note, we appreciate all the effort, time and committment you have put in producing some of or the BEST workout DVD's/Videos on the market. Without your drive of your product, it would just be something else on the market, and this makes you extremely special.

Keep reaching for the STARS!!!!!

Linda Robinson
"I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it." ...Maya Angelou

I so agree with Linda! You are definitely a force to be reckoned with, a true Superwoman, and an inspiration to us all!

Wow Cathe - that's amazing! I too have two boys - aged 4 and 2 - just like you and I can hardly keep it together. I work full time and work out but nothing like your schedule!!!

Keep up the great work - you must know that we all really appreciate your hard work. One day your little boys will grow up and brag about thier Mom & her hard work!
From one FT working Mom of two under 5 to another, I salute you Cathe. I have been using your DVDs for a few months now and the difference is incredible. I just love that I can do the workout I have time for - my favorite lately is a 4 mile run then the Muscle Endurance upper body and abs, next day a run then ME lower body and abs, then Boit Camp on day 3. Day 4 I sleep in! My little one says "Oh Mommy you exercise?" We are setting a great example for our kids, especially important in a country where our children are more overweight than ever. And my 4 year old has already aced the plank work!

To all of us women doing it all, you go girls!:)
Thanks for sharing. I always wonder how busy working moms manage to fit everything in. (I'm 42yrs old and don't have my own kids but do work with them.) It sounds like you have a perfect mix of family and work:). Helen

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