Hi Jersey Curl! Elaine Powers had structured tapes (ie: Monday is tape #38) where you memorized the routines. So there was no creating involved, just memorizing. I simply took the tape home and learned the tape from practicing it over and over. I got ACE certified years later as there were no Group Fitness certifying organizations until the mid 80's.
>>>>>>>How did you learn to create such great choreography and tough workouts and such great, seamless cueing???}( >>>>>>>>>>
PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE Over time I just taught what I felt clicked with me and brought me results. That was the base. Then over the years I attended choreography workshops for fitness instructors which would show you breakdown methods. These were just ideas as there is no exact way to teach. Everyone will have their own style and delivery. After teaching through the years though, you develop a sense of what works, what doesn't, what goes with what, what people love, what they hate, things that confuse them, ways to make it easier for them to learn, etc. It was not easy but I always loved it so I never tired of it.
Good luck to you!