Cathe videos you're too chicken to use!


Leaner Legs! I've previewed this tape about half a dozen times. I have yet to use it.

Body Max -- tried the circuit section once and was in shock at how tough it is.

Maximum Intensity Strength -I'm forcing myself to do this one with a barbell with # 2/12 plates! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to mentally prepare myself to do any Cathe tape because I know it will be fun and TOUGH, TOUGH, TOUGH!
RE: Bawk Bawk!!!

I too am terrified of Circuit Max. I haven't even climbed upon that horse yet. It looks like a cruel mixture of CTX's Power Circuit and 10-10-10. I am also terrified of Rhythmic Step. I usually do the warm up and first or second section, and then the step portion of MIC. Just watching the choreography from the 3rd section and from the rhythmic step challenge make my 2 left feet hurt. But this way, when I finally get around to doing them, it will feel like a new video. I've done Body Max, Imax and MIC lots of times - can anything be scarier than those?
Just try LL. Stick it into a rotation. Start with a25 lb. barbell (I think Cathe and the gang uses 35#.) You'll be so proud of yourself for attempting it, you will want to tackle it again the next week. Then move to 30# when you're ready. Let's make a deal, you try LL and I'll try Circuit Max and we'll check in next Saturday. Deal?
25 lb barbell?! My legs are weak! When I first started I only used 2.5 lb plates on each side (embarassed to admit). I've now graduated to 7.5 lb per side and even a few exercises with 10 lb on each side...woo hoo!

What kind of barbell do you have, Stacy? Mine is 15 lbs by itself, so with 2 2.5 plates that would be 20 lbs. Maybe you're stronger than you think!
Even if it is only a 5 lb troy lite bar, I think you were VERY smart to start light. 25 lbs is probably too heavy for a first time with LL or MIS. Better to go light and add weight later!
:) Wendy
Interval Max!
When it first came I looked at it, and decided I would give it a try. pleeeze!

I didn't even have the strength to turn it off, I simply sat down and let the tape keep on rolling!

Did it once and my whole body hurt about 15 minutes into it. Maybe all the impact. BUT I am not afraid to try it again...I will just have to be VERY well rested....maybe this week...Janice
How about all of them! I have recently been considering selling all of my old firm tapes, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it because what if I am having a bad day & don't have the energy to tackle Cathe? SHE KICKS MY BUTT EVERY TIME I THROW HER IN THE VCR!
LL...I hardly use it but won't part with it. When I do it ... OOHHH the things that come out of my mouth!!! It hurts.
RE: *cluck cluck*

Rhythmic Step. I've only ever been able to get through the warm up. The tempo is way too fast and the choreography is way too complicated for this old broad.

Annette Q. Aquajock
Another vote for MIC

Janice, that is exactly how I felt attempting MIC for the first time. My poor legs were shouting. I don't think I can stand that much impact. I have never been bold enough to attempt that one again.
Leaner Legs!

Caroline Knorr
This is the cruelest of Cathe's tapes. It's so hard. I have to really psyche myself up to do this tape and I stopped for a long time because the memory was just so painful. However, I did it the other day (after feasting on garlic fries at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, CA) and found that I could actually perform the lunges without feeling completely out-of-control. I still fear the tape, but I'm adding it into my rotation out of necessity. It does work!
RE: *cluck cluck*

Rhythmic Step I did before I tried Step Works. RS is tougher dancy step-wise. I'll bet I did that one six times and sort of gave up on it. Next time I'll slow-mo through section 3 and the challenge.

Step Works was my big hold out...I had it over 2 years before I tried it. Dumb! It's not so hard, just butt buster intensity-wise.
I discovered Cathe not too long ago and I bought the 12pack. Well I attempted to do one of the step tapes (can't remember which one) but I realized since I've never done step before maybe I shouldn't start with Cathe. So I tried to do step class at my gym but I just can't keep up. It's strange becuase I was a cheerleader for 6 years and I pick up dance routines quickly, but for some reason my feet and a step do not mesh well together. So I'm to chicken to do any of Cathe's step videos. But I refuse to sell or trade them becuase one day I might put aside my fear and master them (yeah right). For now I will stick with Powerstrike (tomorrow is my first time to do it) and running.
Bronzed Godess..

Do you have Cardio Kicks?? That tape is SO much fun, if you do not already have it. And the choreography is very easy. Did you do Powerstrike yet?? Yet another video I want. If you have both, how do they compare..Cardio Kicks and Powerstrike...
I don't have cardio kicks, but I love the Powerstrike videos. I like both 1 and 2 equally right now, however my opinion may change later. I'm a pretty good kickboxer, but I'm TERRIBLE at step aerobics. Is Cathe's cardio kicks advanced? If so I might have to buy that one too. I'm a sucker for anything by Cathe!
No, Bronzed Goddess, CK is not advanced at all. I mean, cardio wise, yes, but I have heard it is very similar to Powerstrike, but "funner". I know what you mean about stepping, and I am all over the place when I try to step as well, but I have to say that the choreography on CK is the easiest of all the Cathe tapes I have had to learn so far. It really is awesome and the drills at the end really kick should get it. Absolutely no stepping in there....GO FOR IT.. I am going to break down soon and get the Powerstrikes...
I used to be afraid of Interval Max, but now I do it at least once per week and I also do Intense Moves once per week. I think that Circuit Max is harder than IMax for some reason the aerobic parts are longer and no rest when you go to the weights, but I love it!!

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