SNM Videos
Cathe TV - Week#2
This week’s shows deal with a recap of week #1 and looks forward to what you can expect in Week #2 of the STS program. This weeks programs also contain helpful hints and form pointers to help you with several exercises in STS Mesocycle #1. Because of YouTube time limits the the show is broken into three segments:
Show #1 - Cathe Friedrich's CatheTV, Week 2 Part A
Show #2 - Cathe Friedrich's CatheTV, Week 2 Part B
Show #3 - Cathe Friedrich's CatheTV, Week 2 Part C
The STS weekly show may also be viewed in the Workout Manager by registered users by clicking on the STS Icon at the top of the Workout Manager page. To view the current shows click play on the player you see and then hover your mouse over the player and select the icons for week #2.
Highlights of this week’s shows include:
Show #1 - Recap of STS week #1,disc 1,2 and 3. Cathe talks about her experiences to working out to the first three workouts in STS and gives detailed form pointers and/or variations for One Arm Side Lying Pushups.
Show #2 - Show #2 continues with form pointers from show #1 for Supermans and Paper Plates.
Show #3 - In the final show Cathe tells you what to expect in next weeks workouts (disc 4,5, and 6) plus answers two questions from forum members about Wall squats and the advantages and disadvantages to doing the 3 month or 6 month STS program.
If there are any questions you would like answered or demonstrated please make your suggestions in our Cathe TV forums.
STS Update
Our new STS website pages are now up at . If you haven’t already purchased STS, or want to tell your friends or associates where to order or learn more about STS, this is where you want to start or send you friends. We even have a share button on the STS home page that makes it easy for you to tell your friends about STS by email,facebook, myspace, twitter, digg etc.
The STS information pages are part of our site and features 6 main sections that should answer most of your questions about STS, including:
1. Intro page
2. About
3. Tour
4. Previews
5. Pricing
6. FAQ
If you would like to learn more or are considering purchasing STS this new website should help you to understand and answer most of questions concerning this exciting new workout series by Cathe.
This week’s shows deal with a recap of week #1 and looks forward to what you can expect in Week #2 of the STS program. This weeks programs also contain helpful hints and form pointers to help you with several exercises in STS Mesocycle #1. Because of YouTube time limits the the show is broken into three segments:
Show #1 - Cathe Friedrich's CatheTV, Week 2 Part A
Show #2 - Cathe Friedrich's CatheTV, Week 2 Part B
Show #3 - Cathe Friedrich's CatheTV, Week 2 Part C
The STS weekly show may also be viewed in the Workout Manager by registered users by clicking on the STS Icon at the top of the Workout Manager page. To view the current shows click play on the player you see and then hover your mouse over the player and select the icons for week #2.
Highlights of this week’s shows include:
Show #1 - Recap of STS week #1,disc 1,2 and 3. Cathe talks about her experiences to working out to the first three workouts in STS and gives detailed form pointers and/or variations for One Arm Side Lying Pushups.
Show #2 - Show #2 continues with form pointers from show #1 for Supermans and Paper Plates.
Show #3 - In the final show Cathe tells you what to expect in next weeks workouts (disc 4,5, and 6) plus answers two questions from forum members about Wall squats and the advantages and disadvantages to doing the 3 month or 6 month STS program.
If there are any questions you would like answered or demonstrated please make your suggestions in our Cathe TV forums.
STS Update
Our new STS website pages are now up at . If you haven’t already purchased STS, or want to tell your friends or associates where to order or learn more about STS, this is where you want to start or send you friends. We even have a share button on the STS home page that makes it easy for you to tell your friends about STS by email,facebook, myspace, twitter, digg etc.
The STS information pages are part of our site and features 6 main sections that should answer most of your questions about STS, including:
1. Intro page
2. About
3. Tour
4. Previews
5. Pricing
6. FAQ
If you would like to learn more or are considering purchasing STS this new website should help you to understand and answer most of questions concerning this exciting new workout series by Cathe.
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