Cathe TV not working for me either:O(


Nancy C

I have IE, I have an updated version of media player and I am getting a error saying Please verify path and name are correct and try again. I did try the file menu and manually typed in the address and everything..but still no such luck!

Try Again

We started about 9 minutes late. So try again and let me know what happens. Also, let us know at what speed you connect to the internet...28.8k, 56k, cable, DSL

DH looked up this error message...(Error=C00D0006)... at Media Player and it looks like it could be heavy traffic???

Darn...and my modem is 56.

Which Media Player

Are you using Media Player 6.4 0r 7.0.?

Both players have settings that you can change.Let me know which one you have.
operator error

and that would be me!
...I have 6.4 right now and just noticed..Duhh...your message in bold red letters to those using 6.4! Is that the problem? I am in the process of downloading 7...hopefully for the next showing...'cause I ain't gonna catch this one :OP hehehe

sorry to be a bother,
Try 7.0

6.4 will work, but you don't have as many settings that you can change. Try 7.0 and go into settings and optimize for your 56.6k modem. This may do the trick or there may be some other problem.
Why is it like this?

I thought I would be able to watch the video in "real" time, but it moves very slowly - like slides almost. I can hear her perfectly, but I can't really see what she's doing. Does this mean my connection is slow. I'm on a modem, but I'm not sure what speed. Thanks.

Modem Speed

The two main things that effect the picture quality are your connection speed and server traffic.
On a DSL the picture and sound are really good. If you only have a 28.8 k modem you wont have much luck.

Still, there are some settings on Media Player that you can play with by right clicking on the Media Player. You want to try to fine tune Media Player for your system.

There are also some adjustments we will make on our end that may help...but until we start broadcasting to our new server, traffic will always cause slow downs.

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