Good morning, Cathe! The new workouts sound extremely intriguing, and you will be amused (or bemused) to know that your blog promo picture is now my screensaver!
Is there any chance that you will include non-traditional, standing weighted core work in the new STS Core DVD? I have really enjoyed how you've expanded beyond same-oh-same-oh supine work over the years, and I've seen a lot of standing weighted core work in the gym that I know you could fashion into a killer core routine. Any chance at all of this?
Also, will the new series have an option where you can play it in black and white, like your promo picture? THAT would be cool!
Is there any chance that you will include non-traditional, standing weighted core work in the new STS Core DVD? I have really enjoyed how you've expanded beyond same-oh-same-oh supine work over the years, and I've seen a lot of standing weighted core work in the gym that I know you could fashion into a killer core routine. Any chance at all of this?
Also, will the new series have an option where you can play it in black and white, like your promo picture? THAT would be cool!