Thank you all!!! Everyone was amazing!!!!
I apologize for not remembering everyone's names.
All the staff were kind and helpful and sweet! Thanks for the coffee! Thanks for the encouraging words, smiles, and help! Thanks for all your hard work making sure everyone got what they needed.
Thank you to the cleaning ladies who cleaned up after our mad rushes between classes and did it with a smile!
Thank you front desk lady for the bandaid!
Thank you (Lorraine?) for sitting outside the private room. You ROCK!
Thank you Nancy for not forgetting the gift certificate that I ended up not needing. I gave cash towards a Cathe present instead. You have killer memory!!!
Callie, You're adorable! Thanks for setting up all the steps!!!
Ed, You're the man! Thanks for opening my locker! Even though you teased me about it costing $100! I hope you danced the night away!
Chris, you're the sweetest! Thanks for explaining MP4 and dvds and ipods and Zunes to an electronic illiterate person like me! I'll always read SNM's posts with your tone of voice; humble and kind!!!
Cathe, you're so gracious and sweet! You're such an inspiration!!! Guess what you inspired me to be able to do and not give up? A levitation hold! Debby H. was my witness. Then this morning, I tried the straight leg version. I got my legs in front of me but they weren't arrow straight. I'm waiting for my DOMS to subside before trying again.
Thank you Lorraine, Jai, and Cedie for stopping in, chatting, posing for pictures, signing autographs and being down to earth wonderful people!
Again, Thank you ALL again!!!!!