Cathe: some opinions on future yoga tape

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-02 AT 04:06PM (Est)[/font][p]Someone made a comment on the VF forum that I thought was really great - she said that when Cathe came out with MIS/MIC that she was disappointed because she really loved Cathe's step tapes. And now Cathe is one of the best (or THE best) strength instructors on video. If Cathe had just stuck with her step tapes, we wouldn't have all of our wonderful strength workouts. Same with kickboxing. Sure there are more professional kickboxing videos out there, but if I want to do kickboxing I almost always choose Cardio Kicks and get a fantastic workout.
I'm expecting the same with this yoga/stretching video. I've tried several other yoga videos and they have never interested me, but I have a feeling that Cathe's workout will be one that I will pull out over and over.
Can't wait for the new videos!!
And I don't care what the titles are either!!
Thanks, Cathe, for having such a level head about everything. I couldn't even read that thread over on the VF forum, it got so overboard (& lengthy, who has the time to write that much stuff, nevermind read it.) Also, it seems too, by your response, that you doing a yoga flavored video is a real possibility. Yay! I can't wait until your next group of videos!
Hello Cathe,

I can honestly say that the only way I will ever try yoga again is if it comes from you. I have all of your workouts (except 'Taking It From The Top') and so far you haven't steered my wrong:) I hope you don't let the ignorance of some discourage your from considering a yoga tape. I've tried yoga from other instructors but to be honest, I either get bored or my body just doesn't fold the way they want it to.:) I am flexible, but I'm not a contortionist.:)

Take care,


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