cathe shirt - slogan idea


Active Member
This idea occurred to me while reading one of Rose's posts on the discussion forum - how about Cathe's famous line:

"Don't be afraid of heavy weights...they do nice things for you".

I like the idea of quoting Cathe on the shirt. I know there were a lot of other good ideas...just thought I'd put this one out there as well.

I like that idea Rhonda!!!! On the subject of t shirts, years ago the FIRM made a t shirt that said "women need more iron" with the statue of liberty, I believe, holding an iron weight in her hand. I loved it, but they don't sell it anymore. Anyone know where you can get something like that???? I'd much rather it say Cathe than THE FIRM.

After reading the posts in the video forum. I was thinking "I survived IMAX!" But truthfully, I would prefer the shirt just say Cathe. Jeanne
One word.


I can't count how many different vids she says that in and it ALWAYS inspires me to try harder!

What a terrific idea! Considering the way I love to get on my soapbox regarding women and weightlifting, this would be a shirt I'd wear a lot! ;-)
How about 'You're gonna make it!!' Every time she says that, I've usually just about given up and I always pull myself together and do the rest!

She definitely said she would produce them, but I wonder how much they will be. I still like the idea of just CATHE or CATHE dot com on the front.
I love the ideas of quoting Cathe on a shirt! I'd like a shirt that says "Fire in the thighs!"

Although, ehm... that could be misconstrued by some people I suppose. :)
I kinda like where she's talking about doing three quarter deadlifts and says, "They do nice things for you in the end." (Pun intended...)
I like that one too Akirkland...

I did PS SL&A last night and recall this:
"Sit 'n Stands... REALLY get ya!" She sounds sooo very serious at that point, it's great.
I got brave and tried Leaner Legs for the first time last night. I thought Sit 'n Stands were tough until I tried all those "low ends!" You know where she asks which is harder - I said, "These are!" It was pretty funny when she said she heard us all say, "These are!"

I felt like I could hardly walk after that workout - and I didn't even do the whole thing! Yikes!

Cathe just gave me another idea...."when you're ready for the next step" (from the pre-order page) on the front "" on the back!!!!

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