Cathe Rotations?

I have been doing various Cathe tapes for a few years now. I have just been doing a very large rotation of every tape or DVD that I own by doing strenth 3 days a week and cardio four days while spreading the tapes out one after the other over a month's time frame. While my husband was in Iraq last fall I had the opportunity to get really focused and add a lot of intensity to my workouts. I noticed that I was able to add weight quickly. I developed a lot of definition and went down a couple of sizes. The unfortunate downside to this is that I was only able to keep that up for a couple of months and now I am suffering from a pretty serious case of overtraining syndrome. Help!!!! Now I feel like I am starting all over where my body was 3 years ago. I guess to make a long story short, I was wondering if there is a secret formula to the Cathe rotations? I don't own every Cathe workout although I do have quite a few. I would like to come up with something that will work with what I have that will result in variety and strenth gains but still give me enough opportunities to rest. I will appreciate all advise offered. Thanks so much.
Hi Wendyosier! Try taking a few days off and do just stretching and light cardio during this time. Then come back with:

Three weeks Pure Strength Series


Three Weeks Gym Styles


Two weeks Slow and Heavy


Three weeks with Pyramid upper and Lower body (do each tape twice a week)


One week Slow and Heavy

You can do 3 to 4 cardio a week while doing all these series too. Eat clean and include flexibility training too.

Good Luck!
Thank you so much Cathe for your quick response. I hope to get back to it Monday. I will compare my tapes to what you have listed. I have a lot of those but not all of them. I will look at your catalog too. Maybe its time to buy some more!
Thanks for caring!
Regarding overtraining, I'm no expert, but I think its wise to take a full day off from working out each week. If you feel particularly tired or sore, just take an extra day off and start back the next day (or do light cardio/stretch/yoga). Also, eat regular healthy meals/snacks and make sure you get enough sleep. In time, you get to know what and how much your body can and can't do.
Thanks for your support. It was so hard taking this weekend off but I told myself that since it was my birthday that it was my present to myself. I am starting back very slowly. I only did a short leg work out and walked just 30 minutes yesterday. My plans are to strength train just M,W,&F this week but I have already been tempted to double that since I don't have any soreness from yesterday. Ugh. I think I exercise mostly because I love to eat. I dread most having to go without that extra snack during the day or to have to cut my dinner in half. I look forward to hearing more suggestions. Thanks again!
Wendy O.

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