Cathe Rotation Challenge

Hi everyone, did you get started?? I did, I started Sunday. Started off with Leaner Legs, and the CTX shoulders, triceps, and biceps. Today I did Cardio Kicks. Took my pic yesterday, and weighed and measured. I am hoping to reach 18% bodyfat. Hope everyone is off to a good start!!!!!
Lori S.
I also started on Sunday. Yesterday I did all the upper body from PS. I am doing a modified version of the rotation and including some Firms because I got five of the six new videos and want to include them. Today I did Lower Body Sculpt I (standing leg work) and the floorwork and abs from PS. I forgot to take measurements so I will do that tomorrow morning. Hope everyone is having a great day.

Hi -

I start on my 3rd week of the tank-top rotation. I don't work out until I get home from work though. I plan on doing PS CST/BBA tonight.

I've already gotten 2 comments on my arms. Woo hoo!

Have a nice day everyone. :)
Today I did an Upper body circuit at the gym and tonight I'm going to do cardio for 60 minutes. Next week I'm going to do the PS series (all upper body) on Monday instead of the circit training. I'm hoping I will get my Powerstrike videos in the mail today so I can do them tomorrow morning. The were shipped on Friday and I got the 2nd day shipping so hopefully they will be here later on today!!!
Is this the Tank Top Arms Rotation?

Sounds like it is by reading the other posts. I've been on TTA about six weeks now. Yesterday was one of the few days when I had a difficult time, motivation wise, with doing all of PS upper body. I think at this point boredom sets in. I know that Cathe has said that people who tend to have a hard time building muscle mass should stick with a prgram for 12 weeks or as close to that as possible. I've found this to be true. So I'm determined not to give in. I just have to shake things up a bit. I think what I'll try next week is this:

Day 1 PS Shoulder/bicep/tricep

Day 2 PS Chest/Back
30 minutes cardio

Day 3 CTX Shoulder/bicep/tricep
Leaner Legs

Day 4 Long cardio

Day 5 MIS

Day 6 Long cardio

Day 7 Total and complete rest.

I will also do abs on four days and add calves 2x per week.
I'm finding it real hard to do lots of aerobic intensity. I've really relaxed on that part.

Now, for the good news. My arms look great! I have so much more size and definition than I ever have in my life. My biceps have finally popped forward, even when my arm is relaxed, and there's a great curve that wasn't there before. (This in itself is enough to keep me going.)

Keep on lifting.:)
Hi Lori! I'm into my 4th week of Tank Top. I did last night PS chest/back/shoulders/bis/tris. It was soooo hot I thought I would pass out! But luckily for me I survived! I'll be doing S&H Legs/abs tonight because its hitting 100 today!!! I know I'll be sweating buckets when I'm done. My arms, however, look the same maybe got a little bigger but don't see any cuts like I wanted. I've definitely gotten stronger in bis and shoulders. I eat a clean diet so I don't know what more I can do. I really love this rotation though. Everyone keep up the good work. Kathy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-02 AT 05:26PM (Est)[/font][p]I started on Saturday! Did the upper body PS tapes and on sunday did Leaner Legs. I had a really bad day yesterday & had to take a rest day -- just getting started and already.....
I'm going to do all of the CTX upper body tonight. Tomorrow night will be another rest night because I have class after work, but I will do something everyday from here until next Wednesday (famous last words, right?).

Lori, I love that you took pictures. I may take a few myself. It will interesting to see my pictures side by side with ones I took this time last year. I was in a better place then & think I may have gone backwards! Oh well, I'm going to do this rotation and get really buff! ha!

Amadeus, you go girl!!!! I can't wait to see my biceps! I want great shoulders, too! Ok, wait, didn't I already say I want to be buff?

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
I took the pic because I want to see the change this rotation, and my food plan do to my body. I also might send in an entry for the Body For LIFE Challenge with this rotation. I want to be buff, too!!! I hit 39 in June, and I want to look my best ever at 40. I am sick of this 1" layer of fat all over my body, covering all of my beautiful muscle I have built with Cathe. Tomorrow I am on to IMAX. Have a good day everyone!!!!
Hi everyone,

It seems like most people who have been doing the rotation are getting great results so I am excited about getting more muscular arms. Today I did CTX biceps and triceps and Power Hour Shoulders. This was the first time I had done the strength from the CTX workouts. I was surprised at how tough they were. I went a lot lighter than I do in Pure Strength and even a little lighter than in Power Hour. I also did a little bit of running. I am just starting running again after a long break so I hope to run a few times a week.

Hi everyone -

Monday night I did PS CST/BBA. Tonight I had LL and a ctx cardio planned. I just wasn't motivated to do LL. I dread that tape acutally. Of course I feel great when I've done it though. I guess I have a love/hate relationship w/that tape. I decided to do PSLA since it seems a bit easier than LL to me. After the first 10 minutes of the workout I felt fine and got my motivation going. Halleujah! I didn't do any cardio afterwards though. I walked on my lunch hour so I'll count that as my cardio. Tomorrow I have CTX shoulder/tri/bi + cardio. I can't wait to do that workout tomorrow. I can tell I'm getting stronger every week. I love this rotation!!!!!!!!!!

See you tomorrow :)
I'm into my 4th week of tank top rotation. I was doing chest presses with the barbell while lying on the exercise bench and when I completed my set I sat up and jerked the weight, straining my shoulder. I lost my mental focus and had to rest my shoulder for a few days. It was a good reminder for me though. Sometimes we get so caught up in the workout or so used to doing it, that we lose concentration. I think my arms are looking good and showing some nice muscular development. Now if only an ab workout could guarantee bikini abs!
I am currently on my second week of this rotation. I just finished a few weeks of Slow and Heavy and re-started the tank top rotation last week.

Since my week begins on Monday, this is what I did and this is what I plan to do through Sunday:

Monday: Powerstrike II plus planks from S&H

Tuesday: CTX shoulders, biceps, triceps plus forearm work from S&H, CTX All Step, abs

Wednesday: Pure Strength Legs and abs

This is what I want to conclude with (sometimes what I plan does not always happen though):

Thursday: All Pure Strength upper body

Friday: cardio (whichever I feel like) plus abs

Saturday: MIS

Sunday: rest, or the balance of MIS if I ran out of time yesterday.

This is a lot of working out but I have developed in ways I never thought possible and that motivates me to keep improving.

When I am "not in the mood" to do a planned workout I promise myself that I will do it for 15 minutes. If, after that, I still am not in the mood, I give myself permission to stop and will absolutely not chastise myself later. Most of the time, after 15 minutes, I am geared up and don't feel like stopping.

I found Cathe about a year and a half ago. So far, this is what she has done for me:

1. I lost nearly 30 pounds. I have given away all my "fat" clothes to charity and even the size 4's that were way in the back of my closet for years are too big now. I love to look in the closet and decide what I want to wear instead of settling for what can fit that day without strangling me. Everything fits.
2. I have rock hard abs and can actually see cubes and feel the muscles there in deep ridges. (Funny story -- I was at my doctor for a check up and he was palpating my stomach. He said, "Relax, don't tighten up." I told him I was not tightening up. I was WAS relaxed. Believe me, this was a totally new experience for me.)
3. Chest has that "puff" beneath the collarbone.
4. Back has definition and can see lats pop out when I raise my arms.
5. Shoulder size and strength has increased mightily. I have a clear shoulder cap and those "dimples" in the rear delt area. Don't know what you call them.
6. Biceps are round and defined. Can see them even when not working out. When I towel dry my hair, for instance, I can see them popping in and out.
7. Triceps are very strong and underarm has no jiggle.
8. Legs are strong, calves have definition and quads are very developed and rounded. Inner thighs are tight and do not touch each other when I walk (this is a first in my whole life).
9. Posture has improved. I sit up straight all the time without thinking about it. My self esteem has gone up because I like the way I look and feel.
10. I enjoy working out (most of the time) and look forward to each workout with eager anticipation. Before Cathe, I never really enjoyed workouts. Now I do.

Excuse me for bragging a bit but I just feel so good about what I have accomplished and am overjoyed that others are trying this system because I know everyone will see improvements.

Marlene (the not-so-humble)
Well lets see. Tuesday I did 45 minutes of cardio using the bike, treadmill and efx machines. Tonight I did Arms and shoulder. I went to the gym, becuase I didn't get up this morning early enough to do Cathe. Oh and I did a step class at the gym today. Boy did I feel embarrassed. I think I will stick to kickboxing or finally do my Cathe step videos that I tried once upon a time but was so lost that I gave up. Tomorrow I will be doing Powerstike M1. This will be my first time so I'm pretty excited. Saturday I'll do Millenium 2. I'm going to start running soon as well.

I was thinking maybe we could start a Yahoo club or something so we can post pictures at the end of our rotations, so we can monitor our progress. I would love to see some pics of Marlene123 for motivation!
Great idea!!!! Marlene, you are so inspiring. I am going to copy this and refer back to it when I have a bad PMS day and just don't feel like working out. THANKS!!!!
Lori S.
Marlene, you are so inspiring! I just printed out your post so that I can also refer back to it on bad days.

I know this rotation is going to do what I am hoping it will do for me if I'm committed.

Tonight I will be doing my first full cardio workout since starting the rotation. I'm doing Cardio kicks for the first time--I can't wait. I have heard awesome things!!!!

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
Congrats Marlene!

I think you could be the our poster child for the "more weights/ less cardio achieves totally excellent results" theory. Thanks for sharing and inspiring ;-)
Hi Marlene! Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for this wonderful rotation. Its been now only 4 weeks since I've been doing the TTA rotation and see much more definition in upper body. I actually have that "V" on the side of the arms now! Bigger biceps are attributed to that plus bigger tris and shoulders have gotten bigger. That's the key to obtaining the V. I just LOVE going sleeveless these days. Again thanks so much Marlene. Got any other rotations? LOL Best, Kathy
RE: Congrats Marlene!


It is my utmost goal to one day have a post like yours where I describe the beauty of all my muscles. Can I ask what your diet is like?? For instance, how often do you "splurge" and what would that splurge consist of. My main problem with eating seems to be I think that my "splurges" are in a much higher quantity of food than the others here. Just curious on what it takes to get what you are speaking of.. I also printed your post for everytime I want to eat lots of pizza!!! Thanks for your rotation, I am starting it on Monday....


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