Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! Mark your calendars.....It's official.....We are holding a Cathe Road Trip This July 15th thru 17th!!!!!

Yippee, we are finally going to meet one another :7 :7

We will give you more details over the weekend but for now we just wanted to give you a heads up so that you can MARK YOUR CALENDAR.

For now I can tell you that we will have:

* A welcome party
* At least 4 Cathe fitness classes
* Photo opportunities and DVD/VHS Cover signings
* A Summer Bash Pizza Party (we are hosting this)
* Question/Answer Session
* Tour of Filming Studio with opportunity for "15 minutes of fame",wink!
* Raffles/Contests/Fitness Games
* Cathe Road Trip T-shirt souvenirs

There will be other things that will happen but we will discuss that in more detail later.

The cost of the event will be $159.00 for the Early Bird Special Rate. After a certain date, and/or if room is still available, the cost will be $199.00. We can have 150 road trippers attend and will allow you to start signing up online Monday or Tuesday on a first come first serve basis. We will post a sign up announcement over the weekend.

Please note prices do not include airfare, hotel, or meal expenses, (except for Pizza Party), but we will try to work out arrangements with a local hotel and a local restaurant to help keep costs down.

I hope you can make it!!!!

More details to follow soon!
How cool is THAT?!?!?! Thanks for arranging this...and SO quickly! I can't wait! I am right in PA so a drive-away weekend is in store for ME!!!! YAY!

This is soooooooooo exciting!

Cathe, you're serving us pizza? And here I was expecting veggie platters & protein bars. :)
Yep...count me in!

Marla, Laura, Jes, Nadine...any of you girls going? We could be roomies again!!!


You are too good to us! YIPEE! is an understatment! This is FANTASTIC! Even better than DOVE DARK CHOCOLATES!

My calendar is marked! Can't wait to meet 'cha!

~ Kim

P.S. My horrible week has officially ended at the sight of your post!

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Our family will be vacationing in Maine from the 9th to the 16th. Maybe I can cut out a little early and have my husband pick me up on his way back to VA.
OMG OMG OMG OMG - I can even come that weekend! I'm so excited.

Wait though. Pizza? That's not eating clean is it?:p
OMG!!!! I will SOOOO be there! My husband just doesn't understand why I would ever want to travel to NJ to work out. LOL! I am saving my pennies so I can book a flight and hotel and everything. Anyone want to share a room? :)
If anyone is from CT and wants to go, let's get in touch with each other and work out the details. I have an 8-passenger SUV and while we probably do NOT want to put that many of us in the SUV (luggage and comfort-wise) I will consider taking passengers!!

FYI - My SUV has a DVD player so we can even watch CATHE while we travel to her!!

Can you tell I'm excited?? You guys are gonna wanna send me a cyber "slap" to calm me down!!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
me, me, me!!! (I'm raising my hand right now) I'm so in! I'm going to ask for vacation right now! And if they don't approve it, I'm calling in SICK!!!}(
Somehow we're going to have to find a way to team up with people in our areas. I am going to drive since I am in PA, and I want to split the cost of the room with a few.

I am SO excited!

Hi, I wish I could go to the Cathe Road Trip but I will be in Victoria and I wont be able to make it. Maybe next year. I do want to meet Cathe at some point, and especially all you wonderful ladies.

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