Cathe, Question About Your Well-Rounded Bottom!


Active Member

Not trying to get personal here, but are your glutes genetic or is that from actually working out all these years? If so, is it possible to obtain that same roundness and perfect looking derriere? Or does age and genetics work against it? Every time I use one of your videos, I get derriere envy! ;-)
I too am jealous of Cathe's butt LOL...I bet it's a combination of both great genes and amazing dedication to working those glutes!
I'll bet it's about 70% genetics (as many body parts are) and 30% hard work. I've always wanted that "butt tuck" right in the ham/glute tie-in, but it's not in my genetics!
I used to think it was low bodyfat but as mine gets lower (I am still working on that), I get no closer to the Cathe look in that area.
I'm so there with you all. I have been doing Cathe since April and have lost the weight that I want to, but am focusing on toning and tighting and have great results in the arms, shoulders, quads and calfs, but my glutes are depressing me. I wish I could have Cathe's body from ribs down and mid thigh up.
I think a lot of it is genetics as well--I squat about 150 but my rear end is flat, always has been, & probably always will be (my nickname in high school was brick a$$). I have a$$ envy too (sorry, I'm a Jersey girl, I'm not nearly as diplomatic as you are, plus I don't speak French ;-) ).
I think mine is genetically big, but I have kept it within acceptable bounds with exercise and food control, so it actually isn't big at all. Nonetheless, it is genetically jiggly, lumpy and ugly. Just a small amount of fat, but it is supremely good at being as unattractive as possible. But I do have some awfully nice muscle under there. And Spandex helps, it really does. Or tight pants.

Anything that straps it down and smooshes it where it belongs.

Lunges, squats, step ups. Nothing is going to make that glob go away and tighten up. But I accept that at this point. Hey! Did I mention my abs??

That's why I love Cedie! I look at Cathe and think WOW--but my body type isn't like hers and I could never achieve that (just get depressed trying). BUT I do have a body type similiar to Cedie's, and I think "I can look as firm and toned as her." And she helps me to be happier and smile more. My first video was Power Max. When I saw Cedie I thought "who is this chick--she's so annoying!" But then it became clear that she really is as positive and fun as she looks--it's not just an act. I spend half my workouts looking at her--I smile more that way. Between Cedie's smile and Cathe's candid, inspiring, and funny comments; the times just flies!

Carol F
I too have more of a Cede body. And yes you stand correct, spandex or tight fitting pants does work.

Now I'm cracking up myself "genetically giggly"?:). Maximus has it correct "jiggly";-)

Kathryn, tried going heavy with squats, deadlifts, and leg presses? That combination has worked great for me. And better if I forego lunges for awhile as you can't really go heavy with that exercise. I really think heavier is key for that "tuck" that you mentioned. Try it if you haven't and if nothing else is working for you. You may be surprised.
T. :)
To be honest, watching Cathe's fabulous glutes, or the EXPECTATION of watching them, is the ONLY thing that gets me through the IMAXES without passing out. LOL!! I know, I know, I am a male pig. Hey, we're picture oriented creatures ya know!
And, I bet that all of you above this post are being WAYYYYY too hard on yourselves. I'm sure you all look fabulous!
T. :)
Great comment!
All of Cathe's parts are enviable. I particularly like her arm definition. Genetically, I'm "blessed" with a decent rear-end, and the leg work keeps it, er, going.
Like the others who responded here, I think Cede represents a "real person's" body. She's fit and looks radiant in the DVD's.
Anyone notice Jai's physique? She is out-doing Cathe in some ways. That girl has some serious definition going on!
Hey--anyone know the ages of Cathe's crew? And isn't Cathe around 40?

:D Lisa
Yes, I have tried it all, and it gets rounder and higher, but still no tuck. Trevor, some women's bodies just like to use that glute/ham tie-in area for fat storage. Something you guys don't usually have to worry about!
Understood Kathryn.
Hey, rounder and higher is pretty damn good you know!
T. :)
Hey, Trevor, it is not just you... I would be delighted too to workout with a male beautifully contoured body.
I think Jai looks fabulous! I'd also really like to know what the ages are of the crew. I love that Cathe is just a little older than me--it gives me hope that I can keep doing this for a long time.

Carol F

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