Cathe, question about preparing for an event


Nope, not preparing for an athletic event but for a social event. Next Tuesday I have a gala to go to in New York City with my husband's accounting firm. I will be wearing a dress with spaghetti straps so my upper body will be quite visible and I also want my tummy to look as good as possible.

I know I'm not going to do anything dramatic before then (like lose weight, though I have a few more pounds to lose to get to my goal) and I have already had some good improvement doing your workouts. I am just wondering what I should do the day or two before the gala to look my best. I'm sure I should eat clean and drink lots of water, but should I do a good hard upper body workout like PUB the day or two before or even the day of the event? I plan to continue my ab workouts this week and should I maybe hit the abs pretty hard the day before or the day of or will it even matter? I'm just wondering if I work my upper body closer to the event if it will help or if I'll just have DOMS while I'm there! I know sometimes I feel like I look best the day after a good upper body workout, though maybe it's all in my head. What do you think?


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
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Hi Lainie! How exciting, can I come ;-)

I would just keep doing your normal fitness program right up until the day of and then perhaps on the day of the event do a light touch up for the upper body. By that I mean, take a 3 to 5 pound weight and do high reps for front, side, and rear delts (one set of 20 reps each), take 5 or 8 pounds and do high rep bicep curls (2 sets 20 reps), for tricpes, do chair dips(one set of 20 reps), then grab 5 pounds and do overhead extensions and kickbacks (one set of 20 reps). Finish off with 16 pushups, 100 crunches, and a one minute plank. This should all take hardly any time but will "plump" the muscles a bit to look shaplier in your dress.

One thing you want to be careful NOT to do is drastic express dieting or tons of cardio. This combo can make the muscles appear flat and/or make the skin sag.

Have fun at your event.
Lainie - Have fun at your social gala!!! :) I love going to events such as that and getting all dolled up! I am certain you will be lovely and a head-turner in your gown! :)

xoxo, Denise :)

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