Cathe pregnant pictures


I recall there being some "pregnant" pictures of you posted on the website when you were pregnant with Eric. Are there any posted on the website now of your current pregnancy? Just curious to see how great you look.
Hi Arogerson! I have not posted any pregnancy pictures outside of the Christmas photo in which I was 5 months along. I am 7 1/2 months now and have already passed my weight and size with my first (granted the first was born just about a month early).

Hmmmm, we don't actually have any current pictures around. If I come across one, I will post it. Thanks for asking.
I looked up the Christmas card post and your family is beautiful! However, you don't look very preggers! I am sure that has changed in the past few months! Hope the pregnancy is going well, not too much longer!

Hi Angie! Yes, things have seriously changed in the last three weeks. All eyes are on my belly now. Many are shocked at how suddenly I look ready to deliver tomorrow. I am shocked at how suddenly I feel ready to deliver tomorrow ;-)! I know I said I would try to get a picture up but my husband keeps snapping pictures first thing in the morning or at night when I'm in my jammies already. Both of those sights will crack your computer screen :) so I'll see if I can get him to find a better time!
RE: Oops

How kewl...I'm envious, Cathe! You look better PG than I ever did...pregnant or not! LOL
Hope you can post a couple of pics from this pregnancy for us to see. You have not only motivated this old fart from Chicago (me!<G>) but my middle daughter as well, who lives in Oklahoma and does your videos while sequestering her hubby in his computer room. Hubby doesn't mind though....he gets to "legitimately" play computer games while my daughter works out. She's not too keen on ANYONE seeing her while she works out. After looking in the mirror a few times after I'VE done a Cathe workout, I can't say I blame her! Haha...
My hope is that my daughter will be a much healthier woman going into preganancy and during pregnancy than I ever was (when her time comes, that is<G>). Because of your inspiration, she is healthier and fitter at the age of twenty than I ever was. I'm actually healthier and fitter at the age of 46 than I was 20 some years ago, and I give you a lot of credit for that. In fact "cathe" has become a household name for us. Even my hubby, whose fitness regime is more gym-based, knows who "Cathe" is with little or no explanation. He has even recommended you and your videos to some of the nurses he works with (he is a nurse himself). Our hope is that some day we will move out of our older little house and have a nice big one with a huge room devoted entirely to working out, where BOTH of us can do Cathe videos together.
Here's to CATHE in my old age!!!
Lynn Finn
So nice to see you, Cathe!

I was so happy to see you, Cathe, and say hi yesterday. You look beautiful and are glowing. If there was a pregnancy contest, you would definitely win the contest for fittest and prettiest pregnant lady. Since people are curious about what you look like right now, I would say that you don't look pregnant walking away, but there is a hint when you're coming the other way (hee hee).

Wishing you continued good health.


P.S. Looking forward to your next videos!
Cutest little pregnant lady ever!

A bunch of us fitness groupies attended the ECA conference this past weekend for shopping and all around fun and we happened to run into Cathe who was doing the same:-D. I didn't have a camera but I can tell you..she looked great...and carried a biiiig belly;-).

Cath, it was fun seeing you and I'm just wondering if you happened to buy anything..LOL.there was some awefully cute clothes in there. I did pretty good and contained myself...of course I also had my spending security with me...husband;-). All bets are off when I travel solo LOL.
RE: So nice to see you, Cathe!

Hi Abbe! How nice to hear from you! You're so sweet to say such kind things. Thank you so much. It was great to see you again. You looked fantastic (really loved your hair too). From the agenda everybody was talking about yesterday, you must have had a very busy and exciting day. I was happy to come across all of you and share in your excitement for a bit.

Take Care!
RE: Cutest little pregnant lady ever!

Hi Nancy! It was great to see you again too and your husband is such a wonderful man. How nice of him to come along with you (spending're funny). I hope you all had a blast yesterday. Everybody certainly was excited.

As for the shopping, yes, there were some cute things there but not quite in my size, ;-)! I should be getting an updated pregnancy picture up this week and then everybody can witness this big ol'e baby belly :)! Only about 7 weeks left to enjoy it.

Take Care!
Hi Arogerson and anyone else who asked about a current pregnancy picture. I just wanted to let you know that I posted a current picture in the Pregnancy Forum. Have a fun day:)!

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