Cathe, plus size advice....


I think I recall you used to be a personal trainer for a while, if this is correct,
Did you have any plus size woman that you PT'd. Were they successful and if so what worked for them. I used to be a normal size 10 and now I am a plus size gal size 20. I have some hormones out of whack, this helped me gain, although not entirely the reason I'm sure, but this hinders my weight loss efforts. What will work weights/cardio, just cardio. I have been trying, but results are minimal. Just tired and frustrated and was hoping you had insight. I know alot of your fans are advanced and probably not as heavy, so I was wondering if your advice would be different for a person of my size.
Thanks for your time, I know you are very busy with the videos.
Not the fabulous Cathe, but I used to be a size 22, now and 8/10. I did weights and cardio, and kept a food diary. It has taken me years (2) to get here, but now I am within 10 lbs of my goal weight :). You can do it, be careful with your knees. I started off no impact, then when I lost 50 lbs I did the firm, then when I found Cathe, I did her workouts with less jumping, now more jumping :). If you ever need support or have any other questions please PM me :)

I'm not Cathe & can't offer a whole lot of advice but that I wanted to tell you, surf on over to the Success Stories page here & check out GettingFit@39's story. She was a plus sized girl that found her way to Cathe & weight loss. It might help inspire you.

Also, keep in mind that weight loss is 80% diet--even with hormonal imbalances, in fact probably more so with hormonal imbalance than those that don't have these issues.

Read that story!!! She's a true inspiration.
Also not Cathe but I started doing Cathe at 350lbs and a size 26/28. I did both cardio and weights and I'd have to really credit weight training for helping melt pounds at a phenominal speed! Cardio alone I believe would not have achieved the same results as being that heavy limited my ability to jump, move quickly, etc., and I had to modify everything from the warm up straight through the workout, but weight training was stationary and do-able at that weight, and accelerated my weight loss like you would not believe! I was eating a good number of calories and it was impossible to keep my loss at 2lbs/week (which is what is always advised for healthy/permanent weight loss), I was losing 4lbs/week or more easily and as I lost I was seeing shape to my body because I incorporated the weight training so early.

So my vote would be cardio + weights. :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

DUH!~ had to edit back in as all that said above means nothing if I forget to tell you that that was 2 years ago, I'm now a healthy 165 lbs thanks to Cathe's workouts! :)
I was also a plus--289 pounds--when I began exercising. I started with just a few blocks on a bicycle, then a mile, then three miles, and now, 30 or 40 miles is nothing. After a year of cycling and dieting, I added strength training. Then I began trying different styles of cardio (step, kickboxing, floor aerobics) in addition to the bicycle and strength work. You can do it, even in plus sizes, you just have to work your way up at your own pace.

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