Cathe, PLEASE tell us . . .


. . . what that fiendish Tush-In-The-Air drill from the new Boot Camp workout is in more detail? The one you have pictured on the Blog? That pic is my screen saver right now on my home computer (the image of which never fails to spark a comment or two from DH), and I keep trying to imagine the whole drill. Is it some sort of grotesque squat-thrust-climber-inspired HIKE-THE-BUTT-OVER-AND-OVER-THE-STEP type thing?

*that'd be really cool*

Yours in torment,

A-Jock, when I first saw that photo I called DH in and said "ooh, I'm not in Kansas anymore...!" }( }( }(

I think it's kind of like a burpee but you jump from side to side over the step. I've done that without a step and I call the move "the bell tolls for you" since you kind of seem like a ringing bell...}( }( }( }( }(

... which reminds me, I haven't made my bootcampers do that bell move for weeks now... }( }( }( mwahahaha... THANKS FOR THE REMINDER!!!:7 }( :p

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