Cathe-Please help me reach my ultimate goal, PLEASE :)


Cathe-I am beyond frustrated at this point and am really looking for someone to help provide insight.

A bit of history: About a year ago I made a lifestyle change. Although I have been working out with you for 15 years with my weight going up and down, I wanted to get a respectable weight and level of fitness and never look back. So I cut my calories to 1500/day and increased the intensity of my workouts. The result? I have lost 42lbs and at 35 years old I am the fittest I have been in my whole life. I currently weigh 140 lbs (well actually 144 this morning--more on that later) and have always had the ultimate goal of weighing 130. About one month ago, I increased the intensity of my workouts as well as the length of time in order to try and lose that last 10 lbs. The result? A gain of 4lbs :( I'm so frustrated at this point that I want to cry. I don't know what more to do. Am I working out too hard? I have done so much research on how long to work out, how many calories I should be eating, what's too much, not enough..and now I'm just totally confused and don't know what to believe or where to start over.

I know your time is valuable and consumed by your many obligations, but if you could take the time to provide any insight to one very frustrated woman, I would greatly appreciate it more than you could ever know.
Not Cathe. I think you might want to go by your bodyfat % not the scale to determine success. Good luck. Joan
Not Cathe either. I can related to your pain here. I would really recommend reading "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto. It will help you figure out much more effectively how much to eat and how much to exercise - what YOU need - and what to do when you have goals that somehow are not happening. This e-book is well worth every cent it costs. I read it and I re-read it again whenever I need to tweak my routines. For example when a person is not losing as much fat as they would like, he gives you about 10 different options of things you can try, both eating-wise and exercise-wise, to shake things up. All of this is totally compatible with your Cathe DVD workouts, this book will just help you figure out what to do and what to eat for your situation. You have to find what works for you as everyone is different.

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