Cathe, please help me get ready for my wedding!


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-02 AT 03:20PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe!
First of all, I want to wish you the best of luck and health with your new arrival. Hope you are doing well!
Remember me? Its Anne Pipitone from the old club, only on May 11 will be Anne Thomas!
I need your advice on a pre-wedding workout schedule. My dress is a halter-style, so I wanted to get my shoulders in great shape.
My goal is to lose that last 5-8 lbs of fat and get my arms to be more "cut" looking for that dress. I am happy with the muscles in my legs, so I would just want to maintain that and not build them up anymore.

It is exacly 12 weeks till my wedding - any advice?
I have ALL of your tapes and a treadmill too. I would consider myself to be pretty advanced at this point. I have really stepped up my workouts in the last year.
I will greatly appreciate any help from you or anyone else here that would like to jump in!

Thanks again,
Hi Anne!

Congratulations and good for you for wanting to push hard these next 12 weeks! My daughter got married three years ago and the dress I bought for the wedding was cut in on the front and the back of the shoulders. When I tried it on, I had what I would call "BRA-BUBBLES" that kind of stuck out the front and back of my bra. :-wow Not bad, but bad enough I wanted to do something about it. I started doing push-ups 4X/week. I started out with as many as I could do and each time I did them again, I added one more. I can't remember how many I ended up doing but it was close to 50 at a time. I did get rid of those bra-bubbles, PLUS my shoulders became very sculpted and defined, an EXTRA bonus!!!Not to brag, but I got very many compliments on my arms that day!! Good Luck and keep us posted as your SPECIAL day gets closer!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Me again!

I wanted to add that I did this series of push-ups in ADDITION to all my normal strength work which includes working all body parts 2X/week. Also, the most definiton I saw was in my shoulders and the top part of my arms. I saw cuts I had never seen before. I would highly recommend the S&H series as a compliment to your other tapes if you don't have it. It has helped me keep that definition. Okay, I'll be quiet now! ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Me again!

Thank you so much for the replies Debbie!
(and I love the song in your quote... :) )
One question - when you say you did push ups 4 X per week...did you do them on consecutive days or just on the days you did strength? is it ok to do pushups two days in a row?
Thank you again for your help!
Hi Ann! I bet you are excited now, yippee! As an already advanced exerciser, I don't think that you have to do anything overly special. Just make sure each and everyone of your cardio workouts is a productive one and do about 5 of them a week.

As for weights, do the Slow Heavy Series for three weeks (doing the shoulder routine two times a week). After that do PS series for three weeks. Then switch to Power Hour two times per week for three weeks. And finish your last three weeks with Slow and Heavy (again with shoulders twice a week).

Your diet is critical too. Eat clean and balanced meals.

Side Note: Don't lose any more weight after your final fitting. A loose fitting dress is not attractive. This happened to me, not on purpose but from nerves, and I had a shoulder "puff" that insisted on falling down the whole day. Looking back watching the video, it was so noticeable how often I kept hiking that shoulder piece back up.

An early congratulations and keep us posted!
Hi Anne!

Sorry, it's taken me a bit to get back to you. When I was adding the push-ups, it was during the Hi/Lo classes I teach 4X/week. (which we do light toning after) My poor students had to suffer with ME while I got rid of those bra-bubbles!!! ;-) I teach Monday, Tuesday & 2 classes on Thursdays! Yikes, that day I did 100 push-ups.:-wow I wouldn't advise this for you. I would say evey other day for a total of three or four times per week. I know it's better to give the muscles a break but my students were in the challenge with me which of course motivated ME!!! Good Luck! I see Cathe has given you great advice as always! Keep us posted.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Cathe! Yes I am very excited, we are also going to St. Lucia for our honeymoon so that is double inspriation to be in my best shape.

Thank you so much for the advice, I have printed out my workout schedule and hung it up in my workout room.

And also thank you for your concern about losing "too much" weight...LOL...that is ONE thing I dont think I will ever have to worry about.

Things are going right on schedule now, I have mostly everything done. Invitations go out in 3 weeks!

Thanks again and I will keep you posted.

RE: Hi Anne!

Hi Debbie!!

WOW that IS a lot of push ups. That is great that you teach classes, I am always in awe of instructors like you who can teach AND workout with the class.

I am planning on doing the push ups 3 days per week, in addition to my regular strength training as you noted.

Thanks again for the advice, my first dress fitting is in two weeks...lets hope for no bubbles! LOL

I had a similar thing happen to me--only it wasn't the shoulders slipping! I showed more cleavage on my wedding day than I would ever dare on any other day!

Still, it was the only time in my life I lost weight without trying and I wasn't complaining! Hmm...maybe I can renew my vows.. Think it'll work?

Congratulations Ann! Enjoy your day!


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