Cath'e older videos


Ok All you experts. Are there any of Cathe's older videos that are must haves. Just want to make sure I am not missing anything. I also would like to know how you feel in reference to VHS versus DVD. Thank You
I'm not sure how old a w/o has to be for it to be considered 'old' but, for me the Cardio Hits DVD with StepFit, StepWorks and PowerMax is most definitely a must have. I have all of these workouts on VHS but with the DVD you can get back to the menu pretty quick and mix up sections from each of the workouts for something familiar but 'new'. For series like CTX, Intensity and especially BodyBlast the VHS doesn't hold a candle to the DVD for it's premix and mix and match options.

I don't find that I'm in as a big a hurry to replace my Cathe VHS weight workouts with DVD but I do use my B-Max/PH/MIS DVD to mix up my weight routines. BodyMax is definitely a must have and was produced about the same time as StepWorks there's no premixes but the DVD is very mishmosh friendly. HTH:)

Take Care
Laurie: I did get the Cardio Hits DVD as it was sugessted to me and I have been debating over Body Max, Interval Max and Power max. I know I would love to own them all but when you can only order a few at a time it makes it difficult. My new order so far is high step training, high step challege, Circuit max/cardio kicks, and my last choice is the dilemma AAARRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!

So 1 vote for bodymax so far thank you!

Nice order Beth! They're all superb workouts. I have yet to replace my VHS w/o's with the CM/CK DVD....we'll see after tax season's over with;) I know you're going to love your new workouts, Cathe's the BEST!!! Enjoy!:)

Take Care
>I have a compulsion to own everything Cathe has made.
>'nuff said!

This is becoming my problem I place an order and have my next one ready to go. Waiting STinks!

thank you

>My FAVORITE "older" workout of Cathe's is Rhythmic Step. I
>couldn't live without it! Awesome!
Thank You Dani! I will be getting this one.

I hear you. I found Cathe in April, just recieved the remaining hardcore series and am using them with my current rotation. I just started my 3rd week in the rotation and am wondering if I should get S&H one of only 3 dvds I don't now own!! :) The only Cathe workouts I don't own are Body Max (I preordered the new body max) and MIS and S&H ( which I am buying next month) Aaargh! I don't know if that's good or bad!!:) :) Good for my body- bad for my wallet!! Looking at my buying history, I've made a purchase every month!

PS- Rythmic Step is my favorite step workout! even though it is older, I just have fun the whole time.


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