Cathe MIC Video



Just out of curiosity...

Does anyone out there ever actually do this entire tape at one time??? It is a KILLER!!!! I did it once, but NEVER AGAIN will I attempt that. By the time I was halfway thru the step portion, I could almost actually hear my legs screaming for mercy!! :-tired !!! What I do now is do the Warm Up and the Low Impact section, then I fast-forward the tape to the step part. That seems to work for me, and it's STILL a killer workout!! Just wondering if anyone could relate to this!!! Funny that I do the Interval Max tape once a week, and can get through it with no big problem (with a 6 inch step) but when it comes to MIC... forget it!!!

I've done it and I'm not a young chick, 51 to be exact. This is a very long tape!
Hi StepQueen,
Usually I combine the step part of this tape with another step tape. Last time I did it, I did the warm up and first section of Step Jam and then the step portion of MIC. I did the the whole thing through once, but it just gets a little too boring for me. I prefer floor aerobics that are either more complex or lower impact. I have done it the way you described a few times. That seems to work well.
I do it but I pace myself. I only use one platform - 6 inch step- and try to limit some of the jumping. It is a great workout and believe me I feel totally worked out when I finish. It definitely builds endurance. I also am not a young thing. But no matter your age, you need to build up slowly. Try including it in a 5 week rotation and see how it goes.
This and Body Max are my two toughest. i can do MIC at "one sitting", but my problem is it kills my feet!! I have to change shoes in the middle--from one pair of my best, highest impact shoes to the other pair. I agree--MIC you need to feel good and ready to do..:p
Give it another try. You'll get used to it...I promise. Well, I can't get through it without taking a potty break (all that jumping gets to me). It's funny because I just did Interval Max for the first time yesterday and could not do all of the high impact stuff. I burst out laughing at the 10th interval when she wanted me to do those flying jacks and the 2 jumps. Yeah right! OK, maybe I'll be up there someday.

MIC is the toughest cardio tape I have and I simply love it!
I Actually did MIC and MIS today in that order, it was a lot of fun, and challenging too, the reason why I decided to do it like this was that I had taken 2 days off and felt ready to challenge myself, WOW, I'm patting myself in the back now, yes, call me crazy, I do too. LOL. But I certainly felt like I'd had a great workout, tomorrow will be a light day.
Whew!! I can not, have not, even tried to do MIC all in one sitting!! I always do one or the other either on a light day or after weights. Now that my courage is up (I've done IMAX twice now, with NO modifications!) maybe I'll try to do the whole thing on Fri. It's actually scheduled into my MAX rotation. I do either that one or Cardio Kicks. I did CK last week, so MIC here I come:)!!

P.S. I always use a 6" step no matter what the workout. I used to use 8" but my knee hurt. No problems with the 6" and my heart rate gets up there just the same:)!

If you can do Bodymax, you can do all of MIC!! It's just l--o-o-on-g!!!! No tougher than her others, really. I think Bodymax is the toughest tape, just my opinion.
Colorina, maybe you ARE crazy -- in the best possible sense, of course.LOL;) MIC and MIS in a single day?!?!? I can't even imagine. I'm stunned that you could make it through still standing. (Or maybe you were sprawled on the floor by the end?) In any case, my hat's off to you, figuratively speaking. You're an amazon!:)

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