Cathe Live Fix #1 Just Released


Staff member
We've just released our first major fix for Cathe Live that we hope should fix most of the quality issues most of you have been experiencing for the recorded videos. We've only tested a few videos since we launched this fix and they all have played fine without quality fluctuations, but we need to test more videos on all our platforms.

We still have many more fixes, improvements, and app upgrades on the runway that we will soon release. In the meantime, we would like the Cathe Live subscribers in our community to try some Cathe Live videos and let us know if they are playing ok now? This will help to speed up our quality checking process. Make sure to let us know if you're playing the videos on a web browser and the browser and computer (PC or MAC) you're using. If you're using our app let us know which one and the device you're watching on.
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"...In the meantime, we would like the Cathe Live subscribers in our community to try some Cathe Live videos and let us know if they are playing ok now?"

I stream Live through my TV using Roku and the Live videos play perfectly; no lag time when FF and no having to press 'Play' a few times prior to the video loading. :D
I'm super happy that Live is now working on my Apple TV. I'm using the Cathe Live app, and I had to update the software on my Apple TV. The format I'm using is 1080p HDR @ 60Hz
I just did #268 Fit Tower Bootcamp and had no issues at all. No pausing or no quality issues. I was using my Firestick. Thanks for all the updates and hard work.
I use the Firestick and it seems to be much faster and no freezing or quality issues.

I take that back. I tired to do Breathless Legs last night and it was awful. Keep freezing up, voice didn't match what was happening , kept stopping then restarting skipping several exercises. Ugh

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