Cathe Lift, Move & Restore Introduction Video


Staff member

This video is the actual Lift, Move & Restore Introduction video that will be included on every DVD in this workout program. Cathe describes what every workout is about and short video clips are also shown for each workout. If you're not familiar with Lift, Move & Restore and want to learn more about this amazing anti-aging workout program, make sure to watch this video!

The Lift, Move & Restore series will present you with challenges for strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, and mind body connection. This series was designed not only to make you stronger today, but also to train the aspects of physical fitness that will keep you primed for life!

Learn more or pre-order here:
Yes, definitely a toy extravaganza!!! :)
We like to be able to use 'em for sure! :)

I remember, years ago, some people on another forum complained about how equipment-heavy Cathe's workouts can be & in one of her dvds she commented that getting our equipment out & putting it away should be considered part of the workout! I remind myself of that whenever I'm pulling out tons of stuff & remind myself to be grateful I have them & I can use them! :)
I cannot wait for this series. It is just what I need to help me get back into working out. I have not been working out on a regular basis for at least 3 months and I feel it. With trying to help take care of my parents, who live 3 hrs away, trying to help my husband (don't get me started with that one), and of course my dogs, who have each had an illness or injury this month (not complaining, love them to death), I just haven't been able to stay consistent. But with things starting to wind down, I've been able to try and get into more of a routine, so I am super excited about this series. Hoping that it would have come out a little early for my 50th b-day on Wednesday, but still excited no matter when it comes out. Thanks for the update and the video.
I remember, years ago, some people on another forum complained about how equipment-heavy Cathe's workouts can be & in one of her dvds she commented that getting our equipment out & putting it away should be considered part of the workout!
I remember that too, and it reminds me of comments I have seen elsewhere on cardio
machine cross training workouts where you are off & on machine, doing weight work
while off the machine. People didn’t like getting off & on so often. I always thought
to myself, getting off & back on is part of the workout!!! I totally enjoy it & such variety!
I'm thinking of doing the original STS this fall, but don't care for the long rests in Meso3 so i was thinking I'd just do Meso 1&2 - then I thought I could make M3 into some type of circuit & stretch then do core work, or hop on the spin bike. Great minds ;)
I have been toying with a homemade rotation using STS 1 along with this series also. I made a few rough drafts, but won't finalize it until I see what the actual new series entails. I am excited.
I have been toying with a homemade rotation using STS 1 along with this series also. I made a few rough drafts, but won't finalize it until I see what the actual new series entails. I am excited.
I'm so itching to see the User Guide for this series so I can plan. I'm hoping the workouts will be in our hands by the last week of September so I can use it for a STS recovery week & get familiar with it. Then I'll be able to plan October's rotation to include this series every week somehow. :)

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