Cathe, is there a sub for squats, lunges & presses?


I sprained my foot (strategically placed dog toy at the bottom of my stairs, I'm pretty sure I know who did it, & I'm pretty sure it was on purpose ;)). I can't put pressure on it right now so squats, lunges & presses are out. I plan on doing some heavy extensions & curls at the gym, but I feel like I'm missing some glute work--is there anything I can do at the gym that'll work my glutes but not put pressure on my foot?

I (and my butt) would really appreciate your advice! :)
Hi Laura,

Sorry about your foot.

Does your gym have the glute press machine? You do one leg then the other. I don't know the name of it.

Laura Max..

Sorry to hear about your foot... I hope it heals quickly!

While you are waiting to hear back from Cathe, here's my suggestion:

You could do glute raises off of a stability ball. Lay on the floor w/ your legs bent and resting on top of the ball ( instead of your heels pressing into the ball and your legs straight. )Raise up your pelvis slowly up and down while squeezing your glutes on the updward motion. You could even place a barbell across your hips to increase resistance.
That should keep your recuperating foot out of play.

I did these for my glute work when I was recovering from a broken foot several years back and it worked pretty well.

Take care, Lynn
Thanks guys! Lynne, that sounds much as I HATE floor work I might have no choice.

Lori, how did you know? :) That little devil is lucky she's so adorable.........

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