Cathe in the blogs


Ok, i'm not starting a debate but I wanted to know what everyones opinion is on Cathe's look in the blogs. She has seriously developed some arm muscles over the last few years. I know for me personally i would not want my arms this muscular. This makes me hesitant of the new series. I still think she looks wonderful but its not the look i'm after. I loved the way she looked in Kick Max. Whats everyones opinion?
I think it would take a ton of work to get arms that look anything like Cathe's. She's probably using weights heavier than anything I can even pick up, so I'm not too worried. Honestly though, I would LOVE to have arms like that!!! I'm not into my body being super cut (like I'll ever have to worry about that!) but if I could have one part really defined it would be my arms. I think it's hot! ;)
I think her arms are a reason to buy STS. OH I'm SOOOOO TEMPTED!!! I think that they look a little bulky just because they are showing her doing bicep curls, etc., and mid-curl, everyone's arm looks a little bigger than it normally does (does that make any sense?)... I'm with Liann though, I'd LOVE to have arms like that -- but I'd never be able to lift the amount of weights or eat cleanly enough to achieve such a cut look. I say "cut" because I don't think that Cathe looks anything like those freaky excessive female bodybuilders (apologies to all the freaky female bodybuilders out there). She just looks very very strong and fit.
Steph - that's a good point about the pics too. Even my wimpy bicep looks bigger while in the middle of a concentration curl. ;)
>I know for me personally i would not want my arms this
>muscular. This makes me hesitant of the new series. I still
>think she looks wonderful but its not the look i'm after.

I think people underestimate the amount of work (and commitment to diet) that it takes to get that look. Most people cannot look that way unintentionally (I say most, because there may be some mesomorphs out there with naturally low body fat and the ability to gain muscle easily who could). I'm sure if Cathe didn't like that look on herself, she wouldn't look that way.

I'm not attracted to the super cut look myself, but I know I'd have to really work at it to get that way (as an ecto-endo).

You could definitely use the STS series and not get so muscular by adding more cardio, maybe decreasing the amount of time spent in the "hypertrophy" phase, and concentrating on the endurance and strength phases.
Just doing STS is not going to result in muscle definition like Cathe and crews'. It takes SERIOUS discipline with your eating to look like that. And I don't mean just resisting the cake and ice cream at a birthday party. I'm sure Cathe knows the exact amount of calories she's consuming and has strict ratios of carbs/protein/fat that she consumes. Trust me--only Cathe, FitnessFreak (Debbie) and Tneah can look like that. ;)

I'm not trying to sway your opinion, but I always thought Cathe's arms looked very buff (not bulky) in Kick Max. I thought her arms were wicked big (again, not bulky, just very pumped and defined) in the Hardcore Series. I think her arms look that way in BM2, DM, B&G, LIC, and in 4DS, too.

If you look at some of the blog's other pics - for instance, those which show Cathe doing air jacks, split jumps, etc. - her arms look the same as they have for some time now - lean, muscular, very defined, (and great, in my opinion) but not as big as they do in the concentration curl picture. Perhaps it's that particular photo (as others have stated) that makes her arm look bigger.
IMO, Cathe's arms looked the BEST in the GS series. She is so unbelievably cut in those workouts.

Don't get me wrong--I still think she looks phenomenal now. In fact, she is prettier than ever. :D

I would die to have her body. But I'm just not gonna put in the work. I enjoy eating waaaaaaay too much. x( :)

> I would die to have her body. But I'm just not gonna put in
>the work. I enjoy eating waaaaaaay too much. x( :)

Yup. Me too. Damn cookies. x( *wanders off muttering curses to cookies*
(Apologizes for a brief highjacking of this thread) Hey Debbie (Fitness Freak) did you see the NE Ohio call for walking the Cleveland half marathon? Do you want to join us? Come on - we would love to meet you? (Ok - highjacking done)

BTW - Allison - I agree -- I think Cathe's arms were unbelievable in GS. In fact, GSBSB was the DVD I had her sign at the RT for that very reason.

Oh if only I COULD look like Cathe in blogs.... wouldnt it be great if after STS we all ended up looking like that & then those who wanted to "tone it down" could just stop lifting! PERFECT WORLD!

I personally LOVE all of Cathes looks thru the years... Incredibly motivating to watch a woman my age continue to change her "look" with variety of lifting & of course the clean eating.....

I think that Cathe's "look" comes from YEARS & YEARS of healthy eating & lifting...not STS rehersals alone....

To those with "concerns" - 2 things to think about:

With back to back to back weeks of "lifting" in rehersals for STS her "pump" is pretty much gonna be there 24/7 to some degree! I know I am pretty darned impressed with my pump too after a heavy biceps day...mine just doesnt last long until DEFLATE occurs!;-)

2: Do you look exactly like Cathe after doing a GS Rotation??? A Full Body rotation???? My point being that if ya dont start off looking like Cathe ya wont end up lookin' like her! :7

Its all good! I believe STS (when/if followed & eating clean) will result in each of us being the best we can be for that particular time in our life.....
> I would die to have her body. But I'm just not gonna put in
>the work. I enjoy eating waaaaaaay too much. >>

Ditto .. Ditto ..

Cathe has the perfect body imho!! But man to get anywhere close I would have to give up my staples .. like cheese - potatoes - butter - etc. .. oh and the occasional cool adult beverages!! so don't see it happening! Life is short .. gotta enjoy it while I got it (while making it as healthy as possible)!! LOL
I think Cathe looks fantastic. I love her definition. That being said, it takes a lot more than just STS to achieve that type of look. First and foremost is the diet as well as how you are genetically predisposed to develop. Don't ever let the initial look of someone's body on how a workout will be. Chances are, there is much more involved than what you see.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
I am working on it (Thanks to fitnessfreak366's help). I will never quite look like that but its nice to dream I am in my second week of the Muscle Building & Defining rotation & my muscles are awesome I can't wait for the next 2 weeks


"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
I would love to look like that, just cannot completely clean it up. I think looking strong is wonderful for a woman.
Yup, this is an important point. Even if I follow STS religiously, I will not look like Cathe afterwards. I am a good deal taller than her, with longer legs and skinnier arms. She has a particular body type that builds muscle quite easily, I do not. Genetics is, I think, the most important factor in determining how a person will look after following a particular exercise program. Cathe's arms are also a result of 10 years consistent, dedicated lifting. (And yes, I eat more cookies than she does!)

The one who worries me in the blogs is Stuart, the blond guy. His arms are out of proportion to the rest of his body. His physique lacks harmony. His arms look like blow up, artificial things (like Spongebob might port!) tagged onto a leaner body with underdeveloped legs. Sorry if anyone disagrees and thinks he looks divine.

I think having your different muscle groups develop in proportion to one another is important. I think Cathe still has that.

Well, we all have different aesthetic sensibilities!

Allison, HA! You silly goose.;) Emily, you are too dang funny with your cookies...yum, are they Girl Scouts?

I bet ya, that Cathe diets alot more strict before filming a series. I say this, because I noticed in her Hardcore series, she was more defined than I have ever seen her. Her bodyfat must have been 10 percent. It was very low.

She looked a little softer (in a very good way) during the Drillmax series, but wasn't she coming off an injury during that time? She has that muscle maturity and hardness that comes after years and years of lifting and dieting consistently. Plus of course genetics play a huge role. Its interesting to see how her body has "matured" over the past 10 years. Sigh. You go Miss Cathe. And Miss Jai, and Miss Cedie, and Miss Lorraine, and Miss great to see the different body types, I personally am glad not all of the new people or old friends have the same body type, there is a little something for everyone!
I think sometimes it's assumed that Cathe got her bigger muscles b/c she did an STS type workout, which may be entirely false. She may have done something entirely different to get those guns.
I tend to agree with the above posters, I would love to have a body like Cathe's, but it will just never happen -- I like my cookies too much!!

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