Cathe I need your advice!


Hi Cathe,

I know you very busy! Since I am back in the US, I have been working out on the Bowflex! I got all my DB and BB in Germany! I do have one 10# DB and a small BB 65 # here in the US! I don't get any DOMS on the Bowflex, I am so frustrated! I do lift a lot heavier on the Bowflex than I would with DB's or BB! Why don't I feel any DOMS? I do fallow the manual for the exercises! I just don't get it! What do you think I do wrong? I don't want to buy more DB since I do have already 2 sets of each 10, 15 20's DB and a new 300 lb BB (which I love!)back in Germany!

Please, give me your advice!

Take care,
Not Cathe, but I also had a Bowflex and it never gave me the Doms either, no matter how heavy I lifted on it. When I lift with my free weights or do Slow and Heavy, Muscle Endurance, etc., I have the Doms for about two days! I don't know if there is any real answer other then possibly you aren't pushing yourself to fatique on the Bowflex like you would when you do a Cathe workout. And you should be increasing your weight load periodically on the Bowflex so your muscles are challenged. I wouldn't fret too much, its still a very good workout!

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