Cathe Friedrich's STS Meso#1 Bonus Footage

I am loving the look of the bonus exercises. These are exactly the exercises I have been doing at PT after patellofemoral syndrome, i.e., runner's knee.

So, all you people out there with knee problems, you need these bonus burn exercises! They are excellent, especially the bridges and supine stability ball roll outs. I have about 3 or 4 ball exercises books, and the exercises Cathe has chosen using the ball for the lower body are some of the best of the bunch.

Personally, I will be doing all the bonus footage put together as my second and third lower body workout for the week. This stuff works.

I am loving the look of the bonus exercises. These are exactly the exercises I have been doing at PT after patellofemoral syndrome, i.e., runner's knee.

So, all you people out there with knee problems, you need these bonus burn exercises! They are excellent, especially the bridges and supine stability ball roll outs. I have about 3 or 4 ball exercises books, and the exercises Cathe has chosen using the ball for the lower body are some of the best of the bunch.

Personally, I will be doing all the bonus footage put together as my second and third lower body workout for the week. This stuff works.


Clare, ITA! I actually had not pre-ordered STS but seeing this clip put me over the edge. These are the exercises that I do on my own to keep my knees in check and it is great to see Cathe doing them. So, today I ordered meso cycle 1. I'm really excited.
Thanks for Equipment info.

I am new to anything Cathe has and just purchased the Series. I am a runner and in training for the Marathon but needed something else to do for the off season. I ran across Cathe on the web and saw that this is what I have been looking for. Without having/seeing any of her other video's I purchased it!! I am ready to be sore!! Sadly I had problems when trying to buy the calendar, the website kept giving me an fax error??

Cant wait till I get my dvd's. Glad she put in what equipment I will be needing!
I am new to anything Cathe has and just purchased the Series. I am a runner and in training for the Marathon but needed something else to do for the off season. I ran across Cathe on the web and saw that this is what I have been looking for. Without having/seeing any of her other video's I purchased it!! I am ready to be sore!! Sadly I had problems when trying to buy the calendar, the website kept giving me an fax error??

Cant wait till I get my dvd's. Glad she put in what equipment I will be needing!

Welcome Glhernan! Nice to have you join us. STS will be a great off season program for you. Good luck with your marathon training :) Btw, I'm sorry to hear you had problems placing your calendar order. Did you contact customer service to help you?
Yes, and they are helping me. Needed the Calendar for motivational purposes. This will help me track my progress and Keep ME on track. As with running you need to visualize your goal and work hard. I know it does not happen overnight but I have been waiting 16running years to find a program that will help me slowly understand how to achieve the overall fit body that I am looking for. I never knew which body part to work and when???

I cant wait to combine the two. I just completed 15mile warmup run on Sunday and thought "I could sure use some weights to help with the soreness" been streching ever since I crossed the finish line.

Thank you for making this happen! I took one glance at your DVD's and knew you were a serious about your weights. Been telling every one I know now!

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