Cathe,Does August Rotation mean.......


I was just thinking that maybe this rotation is to prepare us for Sargent Cathe's new series mmmmm....
Could you be thinking of blowing Hardcore out of the water? This would be tough to do.
Seriously I just finished day one. WOW I forgot how tough Bodymax was. It took about 1 hour and 45 min to complete since adding in the extra jacks and pushups. I now feel great. DAY 1 IS OVER!!! I only hope that time will allow me to complete this whole rotation. It's the best yet!
So tell me was it my fault? Did your Cathe radar detect those 3 lbs I gained since the roadtrip?
Keep it coming and try to rest in August while we sweat and cry;( and sweat.....:) :)
>So tell me was it my fault? Did your Cathe radar detect those
>3 lbs I gained since the roadtrip?

No, I believe it might be my fault...I gained 5 pounds during my vacation last week.:(

I can't to sweat and cry during this rotation.


I can't believe you gained 5 pounds in one week. You're so small and fit. Is that really possible?

Hi Marla, Thanks, you're so sweet! But, YES! I'm wearing a pair of shorts that I almost got rid of because they were too loose at the waist. If I chose to wear this pair, I needed to roll down the waist to fit better, almost twice. I'm wearing them today without a single roll down.x( I notice the gain in anything I put on. Cathe's August rotation should take of my problem!

Being little means I need less food.;-)

Yes, Cathe's August rotation will take care of that, alright. }( I went out and got icecream tonight ... you know, in preparation for the August rotation.

I just realized your screen name is your name backwards. :7

Hi Jana!

Yippee you made it:7 . Do the best you can. Always listen to your body and modify when needed. Bet you already knew that!

Keep up the great work!


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