Cathe cracks me up......


Cathe cracks me up on several of her workouts, but today I laughed out loud while drinking water and of course water comes flying out my nose and mouth, and it made me think of some of the other videos where she'll say something that either makes me go, "get bent lady!" (affectionately of course! :)), or I'll roll my eyes at the tv saying, "yeah, right!"

But here are mine:

On S&H chest, when she says, "and how about you at home, is it working for you?"
That's where I spit out the water this morning! :) I'm thinking~"lady, my flippin chest is on FIRE!" "Is it working for me? I'll let you know as soon as I push my eyeballs back in my head!"
Another one of my favorites: on CTX kickbox when after the front kick/back kick combo and she says we're moving on to something easier, then she goes into the bell hops series and plyo scissors! EASIER? EASIER? I THINK NOT CATHE!
But the cutest has got to be during 10-10-10 just after the hi/lo when she's doing the side to side and says, "just bringing the heart rate down a bit before we go on, and she gives an exhausted whoo-hooo that sounds as tired and drained as mine at that point!" It always makes me smile and say, "yeah, I feel you on this one girlfriend!" :)

There are many others, but these pop into my head at the moment, anybody else with "Cathe moments?"

Oh wait, but how could I forget Imax! How about just after the 1st interval, during the walk/cooldown when she gives the cutest sadistic laugh and says, "I've got some bad news for you, this was kind of an easy one, the rest aren't so kind!"

That one cracks me up very time! :)
Guess I can't say that it cracks me up, but there have been a few days doing PH when Cathe says "or you can just put the bar down and watch us" and I feel like diving for the tv and turning the volume down before she can say "just kidding". But, unfortunately I can't put the bar down quick enough to do that. Maybe I'll have to work up to that, ha-ha. (i love PH!!!!)

I just have to add on Pure Strength Strong Legs and Abs after you do the side leg raises with the body bar and then when about to stretch Cathe says to hang on to the leg you've just worked so you don't forget which leg it was. How can you forget which leg it was when that is the one that feels like it is about to fall off. Well it does to me anyway!
I like the one in S&H biceps at the end, when doing wrist curls. Something like "If you want to do another set, go ahead, we'll just wait for you." And she always does wait. So kind of her. Jeanne
In MIS as she's telling you to lean over to do the back work, she says to "lean over, with a flat chest". I think she means back. I am very obedient on that one!

In Cardio Kicks she says, after the round house kicks as she's setting you up for the arm work, "Now your legs come apart". That always makes me smile. Yup.
I can't remember which video, but when she says "you feel like you are on a tropical island" all I can think, is if this is what a tropical island feels like, I'm glad I am at Home! Hee hee
I think that tropical island one is from Interval Max- one of the last intervals that has steel drum music!

I like in BodyMax circuit segment (I think) when she has been saying that she's testing our endurance, she suddenly says "How are you DOing??" with her eyebrows curled as if she's suddenly so curious. It's cute!

S&H Legs when she says " that felt great! No maybe that's a lie!"
and I can't remember which one it was but it was something about spreading my legs.
My personal faves are:

In interval #3 on the beloved I-Max she goes, "Hu-UPP! HOO!!!" about 3/4 of the way through the interval . . .

In Circuit Max when she starts doing that "monkey arms" thing, she says, "Okay, I'll leave out the monkey sounds . . . they were waitin' for 'em" . . .

In Power Hour at the end of one segment she says something along the lines of, "It's a break - not a VACATION!"

Yes, she says "teeth" and then talks about smiling or growling. And I do love the "maybe that's a lie"...

S&H has a lot of good ones. Like the s&h pushups where she says something like and if you were already at your knees then "you just kissed your carpet"

And when she talks about the reverse curls and not opening up your fingers she says "unless you want your toe to get black and blue" and oh the shakin' like a chihuahua during the tricep dips.

oh and in cardio kicks, don't let the upper cut go up to high or you might punch yourself in the nose.

There's a bunch of em.
Poor Cathe, I'm sure she knows that analyzing her every word is what happens when we are under such "pressure" literally. I hope if she reads this she knows that we LIVE for these fun little phrases (or crack under them, not sure which sometimes). Keep it up CATHE!!!!
I think Cathe has a great sense of humor. Like in PS SL/A she says, "When you come down, don't hit the main lobby." That is funny! Or in Circuit Max right before she says if you're not winded you can up your step height she goes, "As if I need to say this." She knows how hard she's kicking my butt! I laugh a lot during her videos, but that must mean I'm having fun, right!?!
>I just have to add on
>Pure Strength Strong Legs and
>Abs after you do the
>side leg raises with the
>body bar and then when
>about to stretch Cathe says
>to hang on to the
>leg you've just worked so
>you don't forget which leg
>it was. How can
>you forget which leg it
>was when that is the
>one that feels like it
>is about to fall off.
> Well it does to
>me anyway!

CathyP, that's my all-time favorite too - like I could really forget which leg it was!! Ouch!

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