Cathe Cookbook is HERE!!!!:)

Wow! Nothing like breaking the coooking boredom! Thanks so much for your hard work and effort. With a smile too, I'm sure!
Shelly you RULE!! This is so awesome! I can't believe all the hard work that you put into it. Thank you so much! I don't think that I could thank you enough, really!

>Sooooooooooooosan - you sent me the pasta fagiole recipe,
>yes? I'm gonna try it this weekend:)

Funny you should ask. I'm eating leftovers for lunch right now. It's a very simple, tasty dish made mostly from pantry staples. I hope your family enjoys it!

Oh, and thanks for remembering the 13 O's. I go absolutely ballistic when people write it with 12.:p
Shelley, I can't seem to download it. It says its downloading, but not sure where its downloading too? Usually when I download it asks me what directory I want to put it in. Any suggestions? Thanks!
It could just be busy. It should just open, if you have Acrobat reader. Then you can save it where you want.

If you still have problems, pm me and I'll e-mail it to you:)
Thanks Shelley for all the hard work you put into this. I already downloaded, but now I have to print it. Thanks to Emily as well!!:) I can't wait to try making that soup too. Let us know how it turns out. That's my favorite!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy your soup!

Shelley ~

Thank you very much for putting this together. A big "thank you" to all who contributed. I'm always looking for new recipes.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Shellers! I love it. I have a 3-day weekend & plan to make several of those soups.:9 :9 :9

Too bad we don't know who submitted what. But I guess that may have been extra work for you.

Thanks again Shelley & Emily!

I'm sorry I couldn't credit everyone, but I got so many, after a while it was hard to keep track. And people generally didn't put their names on the recipes, I just knew from the e-mail address.

I may go back when I have some time (yeah, right, when might that be?:p) and try to do credits.:)
My Bad! I don't mean to sound like I'm b*tching. Since I didn't contribute, I should keep my mouth shut.

Looks fantastic, thanks Shelley for your time and effort! And thanks to Emily for hosting it, it made it a snap to get to. I'm tempted to make some of those desserts my main meals for the next few days they look so good!:D

All I can say is WOW!!! Thank you so very much for doing this Shelley!! I had to stop reading it because it was making me want to eat!! Tomorrow I will continue and pick something to make for dinner. Thanks again! :)

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