Cathe, can you help with a DOMS question?


Ok so here it goes... :) I push both my lower and upper body when I do weight training. However, my upperbody has and probably always will be stronger then my lower body and so the weights I use for hte upper body tend to be heavier then lower. I always feel DOMS in the upperbody.... however, not in the lower body. Normally, I would think to just up my weights BUT when I'm actually doing the excersises even with 2-10 lbs for leg presses/squats and 2-8 lbs for lunges and dips my heart rate is through the roof, my legs are fried and I'm wiped... yet no doms anywhere in the butt/legs/thighs etc... is there anything I can do to figure this out??

Thanks dear!
I don't feel a lot of lower body DOMS unless I push my weight to 2-12 lb or 2-15 lb weights. And my heart rate is through the roof too! Maybe you can handle more weight than you think you can!! Just a thought...:D
Thanks so much for the clarification! Much appreciated.

I am by no means an expert here, but could it be you are not experiencing DOMS with lower body because the excercises are incorporating several lower body muscles (quads, hams, glutes, even calves) whereas when you do upper body, there are less muscles to "help out"? Just a thought, I could be way off. I am, however, curious as well.

Also, just want to share...a few months ago, I made some drastic changes to my diet and I have noticed a significant difference in all aspects of my workouts. Endurance, flexibility, strength, cardio, all are very much improved. Also, no more DOMS!!! I mentioned it to my DH a few weeks ago. New, more challenging workouts use to make me sore but instead I just "feel it a little" the next day, in a good way!
Thanks everyone for the replies... it is all good suggestions... I have to lift tomorrow.. either I'll do power hour and heavy up and try it out or I'll do PLB which I haven't done in a month and will pretty much I can't garuntee I won't be able to walk the next day... why the extremes, why??! LOL :)
Funny, I don't usually get DOMS in my lower body from lunges, squats and leg presses, unless I do a lot of them (3 set premix from PushPull fries me!) But the short floor segment on PLB gives me DOMS in my hamstrings every time! I think the above poster was right about how most leg exercises have assisting muscle groups coming into play. But the one-legged raises using the ball really targets the "hammies".

I just saw this post. A question was posted by me about what workout to do if a person is experiencing DOMS. I've heard that it can be helpful to work those muscles again in a different way to work out the lactice acid. Any comments?

BTW when I do L&G my legs are killing me during the workout. I struggle to finish all reps as produced with the same weights as Cathe, yeat I have never had DOMS after this particular workout. Conversely, I have DOMS today after doing VIPER ( and tennis) two days ago and a treadmill interval run ( and tennis) and a yoga stretch yesterday.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
FitnessFreak366 (Debbie in Ohio),

Last October I started flirting with "The Zone" diet. It is basically 30% protein, 30% fat and 40% carbohydrates at each meal. The trick is, only good fats, only lean proteins and only good carbs. I am not so strict about it, only in the sense of keeping the bad carbs, bad fats and bad proteins out of my house. I think that has made a big difference. I am getting more protein than when I was a "calorie counter" (haven't tallied up since October). As a result, my weight is back to where I want it, my clothes are fitting better, my skin is clearer, my female cycles are FINALLY normal, more flexabilty, noticeable increase in cardio strength, noticeable muscle tone everywhere, and best of all...noticeable strength and endurance!

If you or anyone else is interested in the eating concept, I highly recommend the book called "What to eat in the Zone". It's a small paperback, $7.50 new (cheaper at for sure). It gives you a solid jist of the concept and reasoning followed by a one week menu to get you started.

I may not follow the plan "hardcore", I follow pretty closely. The main thing is getting those nasty fats and carbs out of the house! I cannot believe the difference it has made!

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