Cathe: Can we have interviews please?


Hi Cathe,

I'm so excited about the new Intensity Series coming out! I just have a quick question for you - actually this request came from my husband, who also does your workouts with me.:)

Is it possible to have some interviews at the end of the DVD? We would love to learn more about you or the others in the videos. That would be so neat!:-cool :-cool :-cool

I think this is a great idea. I would love to learn more about all of you and the making of the videos.

Yes... what a great idea!!!!!! I look at you guys all the time and think "they would be so cool to hang out with." I would love to hear your team talk and learn more about them!!!!

I can NOT wait to get the new video set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo looking forward to it :-jumpy

1 more vote here for Bloopers!

Also, it would be great to see what they all do after the workout.... cheer, pass out, grab a diet coke... ha ha! Kind of like the end of the Reebok Step Power Workout... They show all the team giving hi-5's, etc. after the workout.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-02 AT 10:44AM (Est)[/font][p]I would love to see bloopers. Always wondering do others:

1. Trip over the step and end up bottoms down on the floor

2. Grimace like a hot poker is being stuck into them during
planks or plyos

3. Run out of room when doing floor work and end up running
into the wall, bed, table, etc.

4. Trip over the cat or kids as you race around your step

5. Tell your husband you can't possibly answer his questions
about where his socks are when you can't even breath

6. Curse the phone or doorbell in the middle of a workout

I could go on and on

Karen, you have me ROFLMAO!!!! In answer to your questions...

1. At least once in every step workout!

2. Can't even do planks! I guess that would be yes!

3. Always. Sometimes I think Cathe has forgotten that we are working out in our living rooms!

4. My puppy tries to sit on my back while doing pushups!

5. Where are his socks/tools/pen/books, etc....

6. My mother knows I workout between 7 & 8 at night. She ALWAYS calls at 7:30! What is wrong with that women?


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