Cathe Cam Q's


Active Member

I'm finally seeing a Cathe Cam session (wed. am)! I can see the class with the Netscape version but nothing is coming through on the Windows Media version. I just downloaded Windows Media 6.4 and the Netscape plug-in, so I have the most current version. WM loads correctly but then just sits there -- no stream comes through.. Waaahh! I want sound!! ::stomps feet and pouts:: Anyone have any helpful suggestions? Thanks!

Eileen S.
I agree w/ SNM

I tried to use Netscape with the Media Player and nothing happened. But, was able to use IE and had no problems. So, what I do, is have both Netscape and IE running at the same time (I listen to the sound from IE and watch from Netscape).

Great! I'll try IE for the next Cathe Cam session.. I'm not fond of IE, but Cathe is worth it!


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