Cathe are total body workouts not effective?

This thread is getting so silly. It started on 3/22 for crying out loud. If you've been doing total body training since 3/22 only, you shouild be able to tell on your own weather it works or not, just look in the mirror -- you don't need an expert to tell you. No hard feelings, I hope :)... Mari
I don't think it is silly to want not to "waste" time so to speak. I work and have 3 kids, not to mention their crazy schedule as sports and so forth, I know for me I only have so much time to get my workouts in, so to reach my goals I want to do what is best to get me there. So I can see where asking questions as to the best plan of action to reach your goals is important for people. :) :)
I just wanted to say that I thought you explained that in a very nice way. You managed to answer so many questions and yet put it in a tone that was very nice. I know she still wants Cathe to answer but I thought that what you did was very nice.
I just wanted to say that I thought you explained that in a very nice way. You managed to answer so many questions and yet put it in a tone that was very nice. I know she still wants Cathe to answer but I thought that what you did was very nice.
kit, I loved your explaination. Thank you, Since I beleive that I am an ectomorph, I don't think I will ever have the cuts of cathe's crew. That plus the pb cookies I stuff in my mouth on a regular basis. (Defeating the purpose I know) I will stick to mostly total body and circuits from now on. Please tell me which ones you think are Cathe's best circuit videos.

Thank You Judy:) :) x(

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