Cathe, Any Good nutrition resources???



I love your workouts and have become a huge fan since getting back to exercise after the birth of my twins almost a year ago. Thank you for making getting back into shape (and into even better shape than before!) so much fun!

I was wondering if you could recommend any good resources (books, websites, etc) for nutrition and, more specificially, eating for fitness/fat loss? I would love to even see a sample menu of a week's worth of eating, as the more things are laid out for me (especially with being so busy with the babies) the more successful I know I will be.

Any advice or tips would be much appreciated! Hope your recovery continues to go wonderfully :)

I'm not Cathe but I can recommend a nutrition book that's geared toward the athelete. It's Lean Bodies by Cliff Sheats. Please note this is geared toward the clean eater who has time on their hands to cook. He also has a cookbook as well.

Hope this helps.

thanks for the tip, I will check it out. But, about the person who has time on her hands to cook? I have 11 month old twins....that isn't me!!!! :)

thanks again,
I have been following the "Eat to Live" book by Joel Fuhrman, MD and so far I have lost quite a bit of weight and reduced my cholestrol (which was my main objective). I find that I now eat little meals throughout the day almost like snacking and it is working well (not alot of prep work....).

Good luck,

Thanks Cass and congratulations on having twins...a busy mom you are for sure!

Unfortunately I don't have website or book recommendations. Hopefully others can continue to help you there. Be sure to ask for recommendations in Open discussion too. I'm sure many of our forum members will have valuable info for you.

I just keep my food choices healthy and their preparation basic. I also try to eat 6 small meals a day. Thats pretty much it for me. Working out takes care of the rest.

Good luck!
Thanks, Cathe! I have received a few good recommendations here and will take your advice about posting the question on the Open Forum, too.

thanks again,
It depends on what your goal is, as well, I think. I read almost contantly, and almost always I'm reading about nutrition. And so here are a few recommendations, as well.

If you are trying to get well, or have some degenerative disease, the best book I know of to recommend is WE WANT TO LIVE, the Primal Diet by AAjonus Vonderplanitz.

If you are wanting a good book for nutrition in order to feed your children well, the very best book out there is a book called NOURISHING TRADITIONS by Sally Fallon.

If you have a lot of weight to lose, one of the best books I can think of out there on diet and nutrition is EAT FAT LOOK THIN by Bruce Fife, ND or EAT FAT LOSE FAT by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig.

If you are interested in longevity, the best books out there are ENZYME NUTRITION by Dr. Edward Howell and TRADITIONAL FOODS ARE YOUR BEST MEDICINE by Ronald F. Schmid, ND.

While all these books are somewhat similar, they each have differnet emphasis according to what your trying to do.

Like I said, I read lots. I haven't read the book that Lorrayne recommends or the other one, either, for that matter, so I will note them down to read later. Thanks for those recommendations and hope this helps.:7
Dear Cass,

Great recipes, health and nutrition information:

Cooking Light Magazine
Eating Well Magazine

Both also have websites. I've subscribed to both these magazines for nearly 2 decades and continue to love them both.

Another one that comes to mind is Bill Phillips Eating for Life program. He also has a wonderful, and tasty, cookbook. Really easy recipes to follow and NOT time consuming.

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