Hi, Lisa! Welcome to the forum.
I use quite a few different instructors and workouts besides Cathe, since I do all of my working out at home.
For strength, I have mostly used Cathe, though lately, I've been getting more into functional fitness, and the only workouts of hers that really fit in that area are Supersets and Push/Pull. (I really like incorporating the stability ball into workouts, and using medecine balls for cardio.) Otherwise, I use P90X, Gunnar Peterson's Core Secrets, Slim Series (for lower body), Kathy Smith (LWTLW2), Tracie Long's Core workouts. I also have Karen Voight, some Mindy Mylrea, Gin Miller and a smattering of others in my (very large!)collection.
For cardio, I do mostly non-Cathe except for her kickboxing and a handfull of her step and weights workouts like Circuit Max. I love kickboxing, and have quite a few Tae Bo's, but I don't do them as often as Powerstrike, or Janis Saffel, because Billy's miscounting of left/right sides is so annoying (and I haven't found any of his workouts that don't do this. I was hopeful about Circuit 2, at least for the first 15 minutes, but then he did about 6 sets on one side and 3 on the other for some standing ab work. AAARGH!).
I've recently gotten into gliding, with Mindy Mylrea and some of the advanced workouts.
I've also done spinning and rebounding, but haven't for a while.