cathe and other workouts


Hello! I am new to the board but have been lurking for quite a while! I am also new to cathe but not new to step - I took it in the gym for a few years and I also did the old Gin Miller step reebok tapes at home. I am just starting to get back into a serious workout to get these extra pounds off. I bought a good many cathe tapes last month - all theintensity series, a couple of blast, couple oldies but goodies, and preordered the hardcore stuff - I like her style quite a bit. I also do TaeBo. Wondering what other workouts people are combning with Cathe and seeing results. Is anyone doing Taebo here too?

Hi Lisa!

Welcome to the forum! I don't use Tae Bo, but do cross train with Janis Saffell for kickboxing. There are a few ladies that use the Tae bo's here, so I am sure they will chime in. If I am not doing a specific Cathe rotation, I also like to crosstrain with other instructors for cardio. It's usually Christi Taylor,Seasun Zieger,Donna Reed,Mindy Mylrea And some CIA's. I do pilates 3 days a week as well. I ONLY use Cathe for strength though. She is the only instructor that gives me results with weight training. Of course my diet plays a huge factor in my results as well!! Have fun with all of your new Cathe workouts and welcome to the board!!

I don't use other instructors, but I do other things, like swim, run, bike, ski, speed-walk, etc. Does that count?
Welcome Lisa! I just started adding Taebo workouts last year. I really like Billy and I think his workouts are great for crosstraining. I also did a rotation with P90X ( last May and had awesome results. Cathe is still my favorite though and I can hardly wait til Hardcore gets here. Her weight workouts are great and I know benefit me as a runner too....:)...Cathe
I also only use Cathe for strength. I sometimes mix in a bit of Janis Saffell or Mindy Mylrea for cardio, however (but I seem to being doing that less and less; I just prefer Cathe to all the others). If I'm not feeling well, I sometimes use Karen Voight or Kari Anderson. I occaisonally do Pilates using Jennifer Kries or Karen Voight and I do have an elliptical machine and a recumbant bike.
I use Cathe 95% of the time.

Hi Lisa, yep I do like taebo, I have to get some more of these workouts, right now I only have Ultimate ABS and BUTT DVD, done the BUTT part last night and I felt it.....
Anyway welcome aboard.... Rhonda:7
Thanks for the quick responses!! I enjoy Taebo - I have several of his tapes (Ripped Advanced 1 & 2 are my favorites by far). I am trying to ramp up so this week will be a slow one for me. I love step and I was upset that I couldn't find a gym-like workout on video... but I didn't know about cathe then! Glad I found her work - she is incredible. I have never done much weight training, so I am going to start slow. I bought all the stuff - just need to get going!

This is going to be a fun board- I can tell. So many of you are in maintenance mode - I think I'll be able to find some great guidance along the way.

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Hi, Lisa! Welcome to the forum.

I use quite a few different instructors and workouts besides Cathe, since I do all of my working out at home.
For strength, I have mostly used Cathe, though lately, I've been getting more into functional fitness, and the only workouts of hers that really fit in that area are Supersets and Push/Pull. (I really like incorporating the stability ball into workouts, and using medecine balls for cardio.) Otherwise, I use P90X, Gunnar Peterson's Core Secrets, Slim Series (for lower body), Kathy Smith (LWTLW2), Tracie Long's Core workouts. I also have Karen Voight, some Mindy Mylrea, Gin Miller and a smattering of others in my (very large!)collection.

For cardio, I do mostly non-Cathe except for her kickboxing and a handfull of her step and weights workouts like Circuit Max. I love kickboxing, and have quite a few Tae Bo's, but I don't do them as often as Powerstrike, or Janis Saffel, because Billy's miscounting of left/right sides is so annoying (and I haven't found any of his workouts that don't do this. I was hopeful about Circuit 2, at least for the first 15 minutes, but then he did about 6 sets on one side and 3 on the other for some standing ab work. AAARGH!).

I've recently gotten into gliding, with Mindy Mylrea and some of the advanced workouts.

I've also done spinning and rebounding, but haven't for a while.
I love spinning also but haven't bought a bike - only did it in the gym. Are there good videos for it? What is rebounding (all I can think of is off the side of a mountain). Billy's miscueing is aggravating - I think I'm just used to it. :)

What is functional fitness?

There are several spinning workouts that are good. For those hardcore folks who want a really tough workout, there's an entire "spinervals" series, which was originally produced to help triatheletes and bike racers keep in shape in the off-season and train indoors. I like Jay Blahnik's workouts (don't know the names off-hand). After I learned the techniques from the videos, I actually prefer to put on some music and ride to that(I got some CD's intended for cycling and spinnning from and and --that last one may not be the right web address).

Rebounding is doing cardio moves on a mini-trampoline ("rebounders" are fancier versions of the cheap mini-tramps you can find at Walmart and such). You do jumps and jacks and runs, and turning moves, and boxing moves. There are several workouts available at .

What is functional fitness? Mainly, it's working out in a way that is more directly related to the kinds of tasks and movements you have to do in everyday life: using more than one muscle group at once, turning and bending, using your core for balance.

A comparison might be easier to understand: Using a machine to do bicep curls is not a functional exercise, because the machine isolates one muscle group (the biceps) and does all the supporting for you. Doing a dumbbell or barbell biceps curl is not a functional move either, as it is still isolating one muscle group, even though you are doing more supporting yourself. Doing a one-arm bicep curl while standing on one leg, or while kneeling on a stablity ball (I don't do that! But Paul Chek does! Though I do the "one knee on a ball" move like Cathe does in Push/Pull) is functional, because it engages many other muscle groups than your biceps to keep balance and stability.

Stabilty balls and balance discs and medicine balls are sometimes used in functional workouts. And you usually don't lift heavy: a lot of moves can be done with no weight (a 1-legged squat or deadlift is pretty challenging even with no added weight), or very light weights.
Thanks Kathryn!!! I'm checking out Spinervals now - I want to find out if there's something I can buy to make my bike a stationary bike instead of buying one. My basement sure is getting full! :)
Hi Lisa!

I do just about everything. For awhile there I was only doing Cathe workouts but lately I've been dusting off a lot of workouts I've forgotten about. I like the Slim Series and Firm workouts for total body circuit work. I also do Karen Voight, lots of yoga, treadmill work, P90X, and some Kathy Smith. Seasun Zeiger and Christi Taylor make awesome complex step workouts, and power yoga is great on days when I want to challenge myself, but don't want to deal with Cathe's intensity.

As you can see, we're a very dedicated workout crowd!:)
Hi Lisa! Welcome to the board!

I mainly do Cathe workouts, but I do power yoga videos a couple times a week, a bit of Pilates here and there and Christi Taylor on less intense cardio days. I also often sub yoga stretches for Cathe stretches.

Cathe is far and away my favorite instructor and I preorder everything she puts out.
I want
>to find out if there's something I can buy to make my bike a
>stationary bike instead of buying one. >

Yes, they are called "trainers." If you have a local bike shop (most places do), that's the first place I'd try to find one.

You're lucky you have a "workoutable" basement. Mine is unfinished (and damp), and my workout space is my living room (aka: the workout room which also has a sofa in!).
Hi Lisa!

I'm sort of a newbie too. I discovered Cathe maybe 4-5 months ago. I'm still breaking myself in with her workouts (they are really tough!). My goal for this year is to get thru all of Imax 2. I can only do half of it right now. I've gotten A LOT stronger since I started using Cathe's weight training DVDs. I'm sorry I didn't discover her sooner...

As far as other workouts go, I primarily use Christi Taylor for step cardio. The complexity makes it interesting and it's not as high impact as Cathe's workouts.

I tried advanced taebo many times when it first came out but my back was always sore afterwards. I wasn't sure if it was a 'good' sore or 'bad' sore so I just got rid of the video! I got Cathe's Legs & Glutes/KPC DVD recently. But I'm worried about whether it will cause back pain so I haven't done it yet...maybe someday I'll work up the guts :)

Hello Lisa....:)

I have the Tae-Bo Get Ripped Advanced workouts also. I got burned out on them a few months ago. I did the Blue one last week and was amazed at how easy it was after doing the last few months of Cathe workouts!

I use Cathe for all my strength work and for about 1/3 of my cardio work. I can't do step more than 2-3 times a week or my knees will rebel. For other cardio work, I mainly use Christi Taylor's work. I love/adore her Hi/Lo workouts! On occasion, I will use Gin Miller or Mindy Mylera.

The Cathe workouts I love the most, that are none step, are Kick,Punch and Crunch and Cardio Kicks. If you think Billy makes a good kickboxing workout....whew....he is child's play compared to these workouts!

LOL and have fun....:D
Hi Lisa as Aila I uses the kickboxing workouts of Janis Saffell.I have now the kickboxig strike zone and the hardcore kickbox circuit.I still waiting the quick fix cardio and the kickbox underground dvd. I love the style of Cristhi Taylor too. I only uses Cathe por the weight training.


Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
I love that people on the board are saying cathe's kickboxing is good. I can't wait to get them! Kickboxing is just so much fun - so empowering!
i don't use anyone else.. cuz after cathe... everyone else is just too darned easy!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I'm also new. I've just discovered Cathe's DVD's about a few weeks ago. I already bought about 5 DVD's and I love them. They are more difficult than any other DVD's/tapes I've used. I, however, love a LARGE variety of tapes. I use all of the Beachbody programs. I've done P90X (modified cuz I have a cervical disc herniation -- I have to modify a lot of my exercises and will never be able to lift as heavy or do as much as others -- hard to swallow but I must follow this). I like David Kirsch's Bootcamp tape and his newer New York Body DVD. I also use The Firm, FitPrime, Karen Voight, Kari Anderson, Kathy Smith, Janis Saffell, Tae Bo (have all of the Tae Bo tapes including all 12 volumes of the Live Series -- my faves), Denise Austin and recently Urban Rebounding.

I must admit I love Cathe's workouts but I've already spent a lot of money and I'm broke at the moment, so I'll have to acquire more in the future.

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