Dear Cathe (and fans!),
I'm writing out of curiosity to gain feedback from you and from anyone else who feels the need to write back.
Cathe, you've obviously created your own niche, not only in the fitness industry but also as an artist. I've read about your teaching fitness at an early age, then your jump to producing videos -- and then your abilities to balance and combine writing articles, teaching "regular" classes at the gym, presenting on Fit-tv, and continued expansion of an ever-challenging video library.
First, what motivated you in the first place? -- I'm talking at 18 when you were still fresh in the industry, then at 25, then at 30, and so on...Do you consider it your passion, your art? The love of movement, of teaching, of motivating, of the fitness-born community? To maintain this success and your authentic talent, what has kept the fire burning?
Second, I think it's important to point out to women that being Superwoman is neither necessary nor realistic -- but, I also think that you can be your *own* Superwoman when you set priorities and keep your talents, gifts, and loves in check -- basically, taking care of yourself first, then shedding light onto others. What would you say to women of all ages for living their dreams without developing the people-pleasing-disease of being 100% perfect?
You might be wondering why I ask. I am writing off the record -- Truly for my own curiosity. I'm 25 and have been teaching aerobics (off and on) since I was 19. I actually trained to teach at a place where they produced videos but saw too much competing and conforming -- I want my focus to remain on the feeling, the movement, the community. Right now, I work in the hard news side of journalism -- I've discovered it's not my cup of tea, at least where I am now, so my writing and aerobics keep me sane! Eventually, I'd love to teach classes and write freelance -- and be able to pay rent.;-) Possibly have my own studio one day....
Anyway, like I said, if anyone else reads this and feels they could contribute (of course, your art doesn't have to be aerobics!), please do! And, thank you, Cathe, if you find the time to answer a couple questions.
I'm writing out of curiosity to gain feedback from you and from anyone else who feels the need to write back.
Cathe, you've obviously created your own niche, not only in the fitness industry but also as an artist. I've read about your teaching fitness at an early age, then your jump to producing videos -- and then your abilities to balance and combine writing articles, teaching "regular" classes at the gym, presenting on Fit-tv, and continued expansion of an ever-challenging video library.
First, what motivated you in the first place? -- I'm talking at 18 when you were still fresh in the industry, then at 25, then at 30, and so on...Do you consider it your passion, your art? The love of movement, of teaching, of motivating, of the fitness-born community? To maintain this success and your authentic talent, what has kept the fire burning?
Second, I think it's important to point out to women that being Superwoman is neither necessary nor realistic -- but, I also think that you can be your *own* Superwoman when you set priorities and keep your talents, gifts, and loves in check -- basically, taking care of yourself first, then shedding light onto others. What would you say to women of all ages for living their dreams without developing the people-pleasing-disease of being 100% perfect?
You might be wondering why I ask. I am writing off the record -- Truly for my own curiosity. I'm 25 and have been teaching aerobics (off and on) since I was 19. I actually trained to teach at a place where they produced videos but saw too much competing and conforming -- I want my focus to remain on the feeling, the movement, the community. Right now, I work in the hard news side of journalism -- I've discovered it's not my cup of tea, at least where I am now, so my writing and aerobics keep me sane! Eventually, I'd love to teach classes and write freelance -- and be able to pay rent.;-) Possibly have my own studio one day....
Anyway, like I said, if anyone else reads this and feels they could contribute (of course, your art doesn't have to be aerobics!), please do! And, thank you, Cathe, if you find the time to answer a couple questions.