Cardio without step?

Hi :)

I posted the same question in "Ask Cathe," but I know she is terribly busy with the new DVDs so I'd like to ask all of you for your opinions...

I am new to Cathe. I just ordered 6 DVDs. :) I have seen plenty of clips and I'd love to have all of them someday--when I win the lotto! ;)

I actually don't have a step. I am almost an experienced pro in modifying workouts, especially for strength training. Prior to finding Cathe, I was looking for advanced floor aerobic workouts. I have no room for a step. Plus, even though my knees are fine, I think there's potential that a step would irritate them. So, do any of you think that Cathe's step workouts would be suitable for advanced floor workouts? I can add more hopping, etc. to substitute. Basically, I'm hoping that they could be at the same level as 'Kick, Punch and Crunch' and 'Kick Max' (which look hard enough for me!). I realize that step would be more intense, and probably those of you who have used the step would find floor modifications easier, but I don't plan on ever advancing to that level. I just want to be as fit as possible without.

Sorry for the long post! I'm just kind of fearing that without the step the workouts wouldn't be challenging. Obviously, I've never seen a full Cathe workout, right? :)

Thanks in advance!
Cathe even said she used a yoga mat on the floor for step while she was in recovery.

Maybe that would help a little!

I forgot to mention...Cardio Kicks is one of my all time favorite workouts by Cathe. No equipment needed!:7

Hi -

Thank you for your responses. I asked Collage Video about modifying step workouts and they gave me the same advice: that I can keep up the intensity (though possibly not quite as high) and try to actually tape an area to mimic a step. I'll try the mat first. :)

I finally checked out the clips on (I was watching them on Collage before) and I think my question is perhaps unnecessary. Wow, her workouts look tough! What am I getting into?! :D I have 'Kick, Punch and Crunch' on order and I will definitely try 'Cardio Kicks'.

Thanks again. I'm looking forward to getting the workouts.

I think you will love KPC! It requires no step at all and is very low impact throughout much of the workout (but high in sweat!) If you don't like step work (as I don't, as well) I would also recommend Boot Camp. There is a one-minute segment where a step is used, but it's only for leg presses. You could easily do this move without a step. Another goodie is Cardio Kicks. It's a bit dated (can you say LEOTARDS?!) and a bit more "dancy" than KPC and Kick Max, but it's still a dang good workout, if I do say so myself. :)

I ordered 'Boot Camp' too (plus some of Cathe's strength workouts). :eek: I'm afraid of it now that I've seen more of the clips! :) I actually have a box that is perfect for the high step so that's not a problem for me. I'm just going to have to modify her step cardio (they look great too...). I have no place to put a step bench. Even where I exercise, it would limit my range of motion. I'm getting a band and looking into a stability ball so I would have most of the equipment. I'm really excited because I have always searched for workouts equivalent to what you would do in a gym, real hardcore stuff, and it looks like these will do the trick. :)


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