Cardio vs. strength training


New Member
This year I have a VERY busy work schedule, which means my work out time is limited. Sometimes I can only fit in a workout at most 3x/week, for about one hour. Over the past few years, when I have had such a schedule, I have always prioritized my cardio workouts over strength training. I focus on Cardio since my main goal is lose weight. I know it is important to build muscle, in order to enhance metabolism. However, when one can fit in only a few workouts each week, which is the most important: cardio or strength training?
My vote is for cardio, since I think the heart is the most important muscle to strengthen. That being said, some other muscle work is important as well. Do you use Circuit Max to incorporate some muscle training? I would also suggest doing the circuit portion of Body Max. I think the new videos will have a circuit tape that you could try. So you can sort of have your cake & eat it too!

A few years ago I would have said cardio, but when I fractured my ankle and could only do upper body weight work for three months, I actually lost weight doing no cardio at all, and upper weight work 4 times a week. So my vote is for weight work.
Strength training is the one I'd prioritize, without a doubt! If you only have an hour 3x/wk, I would spend two sessions on total body strength training, alternating upper and lower body exercises circuit style to keep you moving the whole time, and do one high intensity cardio day.

The reason for this is that the greater the amount of lean muscle, the higher your metabolic rate will be at all times, which will contribute significantly more to caloric burn in the long run than a cardio workout will. That doesn't mean cardio is without benefits, though, but given a limited amount of time to work out, make sure you get strength training in.

Another possibility would be to divide the hour in half and spend 30 minutes on cardio, 30 minutes on strength training. Do the strength training first so that you will be able to put your best effort into the exercises and have adequate blood glucose/glycogen stores for fuel, since strength training relies much more on the breakdown of glucose for energy than does cardio training.

Thanks to all of you for your response. I have neglected strength training lately, and I know it is important. I have purchased 2 Cathe step DVDs (Rhythmic Step+, PowerMax+), but obviously I should get some of her other workouts! I have thought about the CTX series, but I really can't do them consistently 6 days a week. Perhaps the BodyMax/PowerHour/MIS DVD would be best.
What do you think?
I think the Body Max DVD would be an excellent choice. Both Power Hour and MIS would give you great total body workouts in about an hour. Also with Body Max you could split it up into a step portion, a leg circuit section and upper body weight work and pair it up with whatever else you feel like doing, say, for instance the 1st 2 sections of Power Max followed by upper body work from Body Max. So many possibilities!! I definitely would prioritize strength work over cardio.

According to Dr. Scott Connelly, Cardiovasular and Metabolic Medical expert and author of "The Body RX," the concept that aerobic is the only way to a strong heart is a myth. He believes that weight training and weight training only, is necessary to build muscular strength, a healthy, strong heart muscle and promote a lean body. I recommend you check out his website or the book.
Why would you want to choose?? If you have three hours a week, you can fit it all in to some extent. Eat less, and you won't have to worry so much about cardio....
Kathy Smith had a column in the Los Angeles Times for a while and when she was asked this question she said if she had to choose one or the other, she would choose strength over cardio.

I personally have the best results doing mostly strength and some cardio. I can never lose fat with just cardio.

I like another poster's suggestion of doing 2 strength and 1 cardio workouts per week, doing this for 6 weeks and then mixing it up.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Another idea to add to the pile: You can always incorporate cardio into your take steps whenever you can, park your car and walk, offer to mow someones yard, or mow your own, etc.

Really put some effort into these short bursts of exercise, too, don't be leisurely about it. It would help to keep appropriate shoes in your car at all times, of course.

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