There is no real consensus on which is the better order; it all depends on what your goals are for the session. Generally speaking, if muscle endurance/strength is the prime goal of the workout, then do weights first (especially if you're targeting the legs) so that the muscles are freshest. If cardiovascular intensity and/or duration is the prime goal of the session, then do that first.
Personally, I prefer to do cardio first every session, then legs, core and upper body. I haven't noticed that I've been stymied in strength or mass development doing things in that order. (I never do only strength training as a workout session; cardio is always a big part of it.) The cardio, among other benefits, really gets my blood bubbling and everything circulating well so that all the skeletal muscles are infused; also, my range of motion is much better immediately after a cardio set than after just a warm-up.
There are a lot of people who insist that THEIR way (cardio then weights, or weights then cardio) is THE BEST WAY, and that's hogwash. The only absolute in fitness training is that there are no absolutes. Except:
That Cathe cardio and strength training products are THE BEST WAY.