Cardio Kicks V CTX kickboxing


Can someone tell me what the differences are between the actual kickboxing section of CTX and cardio kicks. I'd like to get just one and am not sure if they are similar with one being longer. I know CTX has a few more sections, but I am only interested in the kickboxing portion.

The main difference is the length of the workout, cardio kicks is almost an hour ctx is about 1/2 hour Karen
I have both and I enjoy the intense Cardio Kicks workout. I do the CTX kickboxing when I am short on time but want to kickbox. But if you only want to buy one, I would buy Cardio does Kick!

I agree Cardio Kicks is a great workout with 2 sections I am thinking of doing one day with Cardio Kicks and adding CTX to it.

Different moves--

CTX contains a great power segment with power scissors, about 32 reps times 2 (a rest in between). Also it has-- not elbow strikes, but these sideways punches where you actually bat sideways instead of punching (what're they called?) Cardio Kicks does not have these. Also, speedbag- which one of these has speedbag? Cardio Kicks?

Cardio Kicks has ice breakers. CTX has more kickboxing per workout minute with very little hi-lo (grapevines, etc) where Cardio Kicks has a bit more hi-lo. These are more comparisons to help you decide (or to make it harder! LOL)
Cardio Kicks is the way to go. CTX Kickbox is great, but it is only 23 min. long (not including the warm-up). CK has a thorough 13 min. warm-up, followed by a fun 24 min. of kickbox/aerobics that starts out fairly easy and just builds and builds. Then comes the best (and worst) part of the workout - 16 min. of power drills. Sequential power kicks, ice breakers, roundhouses, and then arm drills. Oh is this workout a blast. You will feel incredibly empowered when you're done. And tired. Have fun!
Another vote for Cardio Kicks

CK is definitely the way to go if you are not interested at all in the other cardio segments of CTX. Just when you think you're wiped out after 37 minutes of cardio kickboxing (with hi/lo flavor) you get to dive right into those jumping front kicks! And then on to all those other drills as Jillybean detailed. Gee, are all these differing opinions helping you make up your mind? ;-) Oh well, at least you will be making a very informed decision! Another pro of CK is that if you do want a shorter workout, you can just do the workout without the drills at the end... or tack the drills on to another workout... many possibilities! Whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll be happy. You really can't go wrong with CTX or Cardio Kicks.

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