Cardio Kicks = Major Fun


I got that yesterday and tried it. I've never had so much fun doing a tape. I hated all that Tae Bo stuff but I loved this. Did Cathe say on this not to do it more than 2x per week or something? I hope not 'cuz I'm doing it a lot more than that!
I love this tape too, and I absolutely can not stand Tae Bo. I do this tape almost every week, at least once. Lately, it has been becoming kinda old hat, but I am going to do it today!! I just ordered 5 new aerobic tapes form Cathe yesterday, I can't wait!!!!
I love Cardio Kicks too - I take martial arts classes and the studio offeres Cardio Kickboxing classes and they are done well, when I did Tae Bo I felt that the risk for injury was pretty high ESPECIALLY in the advanced tape, that is crazy. I modified a lot of it purely out of fear for my knees. Anyway when I did Cardio Kicks I thought THIS is more like it. She warms you up very well and it gets progressively harder and harder and is so much fun! Cathe is great!!
When I did it the first time I just couldn't believe how time flew....before you knew it we were into doing the drills and then the cool down. Such a nice change of pace :).

I like watching Rhonda....she just puts everything she's got into this workout. I'm not saying the others weren't, it's just that the emotion in her face caught my eye. I really like this tape too. :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
This is one of my favorites also. Have any of you ever used the drills at the end of Cardio Kicks after one of her other tapes? I have CTX Kickbox and I will add the drills from CK after that 30 min tape just to make it a little longer. And you can really finish off a step tape with some awesome arm drills. Amy Jo
That's a great idea! I'm going to do that next time. Those drills are the best part.

Just got through doing CK again. I love this. Want to rewind and do it again! Stop me!
Three nights in a row! I'm hopelessly hooked.

Those drills at the end are so great for getting out your aggression. In my work, I build up a lot of it during the day. LOL :)
I just did Cardio Kicks for the first time today too! It is a great workout! Lots of fun, and lots of sweat!

~~ Bev ~~
My Journal
Just did Cardio Kicks today for the first time. Yes, lots of fun and hard work. I love it when Cathe sweats along with ya. I'll being doing this tape often.
I've done it every night for a week. I love it.

I'm a daytrader. I spend my entire day swearing at the market makers in various stocks. Now, at night I do Cardio Kicks and I pretend it's the market makers I'm punching at! Makes me do it as hard as I possibly can.
RE: every night

Watch out! You don't want to risk overuse injury and not be able to do this one anymore! Keep having fun but be careful :)

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