cardio hits - how do you like it?


I am looking to up the cardio in my Cathe collection and have my eye on Cardio Hits. I realize the step routines are a bit older, which I don't really mind as long as I still get a great workout. How would you rate these workouts in terms of difficulty, fun, etc? Thanks for the input!!!! Pam
Definitely get it. I love all 3 and they are all fun and good workouts. PowerMax is one of my favorites.
Pam -

You might want to talk to customer service before you place your order. I think the DVD version of Cardio Hits is on back order.

I was also interested in this DVD and was searching the threads for info on it and found an earlier (1-2 months old) thread out there where people have mentioned that they have been waiting a while for theirs...(do a search on Cardio Hits to find it, I don't know how to put a link here.)

Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up so that you can try to find out up front how long you can expect to wait, instead of ordering it and thinking you will get it soon.

Good Luck,

The choreography is not that difficult to learn. Cathe does more teaching in the Cardio Hits workouts than she does in her later workouts. I love Power Max and Step Works and still do them a lot. They are just as fun and challenging as her newer step workouts.

Pam, these are on backorder. I ordered months ago and still nothing so I cancelled my order. I emailed them and asked if I could do it through email and they kindly cancelled the order right away, I figure I could use the money for something else until I knew for sure when they were getting them in. There doesn't seem to be any info as to when though.
My only problem with their items on backorder was that I found out upon cancelling that they charge you for it even if you haven't received it yet because I had ordered a couple others that came on schedule. Anything I have ever ordered online and 1 item was backordered they did not charge me until the item had shipped, I thought that was a universal thing. I didn't like the fact I was charged and had no clue when or if it was coming. Just something to remember. With that being said, I have heard great things about it and will probably reorder at some point!
I also cancelled my Cardio Kicks order and then went and ordered from Collage...they don't charge your cc until the item is shipped. Collage says they expect to have it April 15th...although I haven't checked the site for several days so that could have changed.
Cardio hits was my second Cathe purchase after BS and BF. I learned Power Max and enjoyed it. I had just started learning one of the other 2 work outs on the dvd when I got CTX...and then the Body Blast series...and then the Intensity series... lol...I have been sooo busy with them now that I haven't even LOOKED at cardio hits in some time now! lol Power Max was a good work out though and one day I'm sure I will get back to it, and I'm sure the other 2 work outs will be fun as well...There is something about the more recent Cathe work outs that I like better though...but I can't put my finger on what it is....


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
"There is something about the more recent Cathe work outs that I like better though...but I can't put my finger on what it is...."

...the clothes. :+
LOL, have a good point!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
I agree - there is that "something" -- the sets maybe. But I still pull this DVD out at least once a week because the workouts are so challenging and so fun.

Two biceps up!!
That "something" may also be the "dated-ness" factor. I did Step Heat last night and was chuckling a bit over the "basic-step accompanied with fanning the arms and then cross arms in front and slap the thighs" move in the first segment. I don't think we'd see Cathe doing this elaborate/cheerleader-esque arm choreography today. But that's part of the fun of doing those older videos once in a while. Not only are they still effective workouts, you get to see how Cathe, her crew and how step itself have evolved over the years.

Another thing I noticed in Step Heat - Cedie is quite the babe in that one (and she still is of course)!
Cardio Hits was my first exposure to Cathe and step aerobics. I still have a certain fondness for all three of those workouts. It was so much fun learning them when I first got them, all I did for at least a month was step aerobics. I completely neglected my weight training LOL! Sure they are dated but they are are great introduction to Cathe. She does 'teach' more on these, so once you get the moves down you'll have no problem with her newer work.

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