Cardio Fusion WOW!


I did Cardio Fusion for the first time today. I love it! It takes all of my favorite parts of the other videos and sticks them together. I had to lower the step height to 6" at the start of the 4th power circuit as my legs were getting shaky, but I persevered and did the whole thing. I will admit my first set of leaps on drill 5 were a little wimpy but I managed to re-energize by the third set.

I thought my arms were going to fall off during the stability ball drill though as I did gym style chest and triceps yesterday and the doms decided to kick in.
I did about 60 min. of this 80 min workout between 6-7 am this a.m. - lots of drill max in there which is tough, tough! Anyone else find this really hard??
Heck yeah! The first time I did the 41 minutes, it was the Drill Max cardio blasts-that is tough enough. But today I did the 80 minute workout. I am totally helpless at fancy step moves-plus they kill my bum hip, so during the more intricate step moves, I hopped on my Spin bike, cranked up the resistance and rode. By the end of the 80 minutes, I think I was delirious.

Don't get me wrong, when I was a bodybuilder and competed, I had to do 90 minutes of cardio in the AM, just not as intense. This whooped my butt. Although, I will never look at a 45 mintue workout the same way again-hey, that is a walk in the park compared to spending 80 minutes! And I am happy to report the dreaded number 3 cycle ( I think it is number 3) in Drill Max, the one with the exercise ball? Well, I made it through this beast with a smile on my face-well sorta! :0)
Question: Does anyone do Cardio Fusion more than 1 day per week? I think it is a great Sunday/cardio only/dietary cheat day workout! It made Joe's Stone Crab taste all that much better, since I knew I just burned tons of calories...wink. I have a love affair with the bread basket!!

Oh, one more thing. I found a great peanut butter that contains tons of omega 3's and whole flaxseeds which lends a terrific crunch! It is called "Naturally More". I found it a health food store (a local one, not a chain.) Yum. But in the end, I have to agree with Cathe, reduced fat creamy Skippy is actually the best!! I just cannot keep it in the house, I have no control when it comes to Skippy-has anyone tried Skippy with a hershey mini bar? Take one mini Hershey bar, and smear with a tablespoon of Skippy's and eat. Heaven on earth I tell ya! This is why Skippy and I had to part ways! :)

Here's to a great week of productive, fun workouts!!:)

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