Someone asked about the sprints.... looks like I used:
volume 1 challenge 2
and then it becomes unclear because it only says "track 04" or "track 05" -- I can't get what volume it's from. That's from my ipod, when I'm back home, I'll see if there's more info on the mac. Sorry! But, in case I don't come through for you, as I recall, it wasn't all that time consuming to go to the cardiocoach website and find where the sprints are. One thing about mixing them -- I first used the steady's that follow the challenges, but then I realized it's better to put the steady from before the challenge on first, because he gives you an idea of what challenge is coming up. Hope that makes sense. Basically what I mean is, grab the steady (or warm-up) that's before the sprint, and then go to a new pairing, instead of grabbing a sprint + steady pairing.