Cardio Coach -- Does anyone else . . . ?


I have all of my Cardio Coaches on my ipod. By combining the challenges and steadies into different playlists, I can create my own workouts of different lengths and intensities, depending on what I'm looking for. The possibilities are endless. Does anyone else do this? Just wondering.

I do, I do!! :D

It totally! }(

ETA that I think Coach Sean was a genius to put everything on separate tracks. His production quality is the best there is for audio workouts -- they're the audio equivalent of a Cathe DVD, IMHO. You really get a lot for your money with him. ;)
I do it, too -- that's another thing I love about cc. I have one of all sprints, I have one that roughly matches my outdoor run at home (hill/flat wise, that is), and others. It's great!!

Question: Mine are coming on disc. When I transfer them to my IPOD (which I assume is the same process as copying songs from cd to my mac then to my IPOD?) will I be able to do this, too?
>Question: Mine are coming on disc. When I transfer them to
>my IPOD (which I assume is the same process as copying songs
>from cd to my mac then to my IPOD?) will I be able to do this,

Yes, absolutely!!
Aha ! Nearly have my new CC's loaded onto my new iPod and that is a wonderful idea.

I am guessing you just put whatever parts of the CC you want into a new playlist? I can see how this would be great for running outdoors once you know your approx pace. Hmmmmm . . . think I'll be spending even more time in front of the 'puter.}(

Thanks for the idea !
I'm new to CC, and I had no idea!

WOW, another reason to buy all the volumes!!!!

Thanks for sharing. :) :) :)
i absolutely do that! i have made some great cc mish moshes. i also do it with the itreads (although the segments are longer with those).
Nope. I'm in the technological dark ages and don't own an iPod or anything. I just play each CD as originally recorded.
I need to do this! The possibilities are incredible. For now, I'm still learning the different routines, but once I've got those down, I'll better know how to build awesome new routines! }(

Vrinda - I was doing Press Play for the first time last night and was pleasantly surprised to hear your name on it! I said to myself - "uh huh - I know her!"
>I need to do this! The possibilities are incredible. For
>now, I'm still learning the different routines, but once I've
>got those down, I'll better know how to build awesome new
>routines! }(
>Vrinda - I was doing Press Play for the first time last night
>and was pleasantly surprised to hear your name on it! I said
>to myself - "uh huh - I know her!"

Shana, Sean also mentions Debbie in Ohio, and that's our very own DebbieH from Cathe's forum, or Mamma Deb as some like to call her! :D
Michele - cool! I did hear that name but didn't know who that was. Now Vrinda in India was hard to mistake! I have seen Mamma Deb/DebbieH on here. Thanks for pointing that out - next time, I'll be saying, "uh-huh, I know her too!" :)

Also, apologies - I just realized I have been spelling your name with 2 l's :( From somebody whose name is very often spelled wrong, you would think I would get it right!
>I have all of my Cardio Coaches on my ipod. By combining the
>challenges and steadies into different playlists, I can create
>my own workouts of different lengths and intensities,
>depending on what I'm looking for. The possibilities are
>endless. Does anyone else do this? Just wondering.

I haven't yet, but I plan to. I did put all my CC's (I have all but #6) except #1 on my Zen. And I'm planning to figure out which tracks work best for power walking (challenge 1 of #7 works great! challenge 2 doesn't!) and make various playlists.
> I
>have one of all sprints...
Could you share what tracks those are from which workouts (to save me some time;) )?
Someone asked about the sprints.... looks like I used:

volume 1 challenge 2
and then it becomes unclear because it only says "track 04" or "track 05" -- I can't get what volume it's from. That's from my ipod, when I'm back home, I'll see if there's more info on the mac. Sorry! But, in case I don't come through for you, as I recall, it wasn't all that time consuming to go to the cardiocoach website and find where the sprints are. One thing about mixing them -- I first used the steady's that follow the challenges, but then I realized it's better to put the steady from before the challenge on first, because he gives you an idea of what challenge is coming up. Hope that makes sense. Basically what I mean is, grab the steady (or warm-up) that's before the sprint, and then go to a new pairing, instead of grabbing a sprint + steady pairing.

You can copy and paste the info on each volume from the Cardio Coach website, print it out and put it in a binder. That's what I do. Then I can easily choose what workout or workout parts I want to do. He also lists the time of each segment. It is a big help to me.:)


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