Cannot Log in to OnDemand

Reported the app issue to Apple. Have requested assistance from them. If you do not respond by 5PM, EST, I will have no choice but to escalate my request to a cancellation and refund. I do not want to do this. I want to use the app. I love Cathe’s workouts. But because I cannot get technical help or even a “So sorry! We are working on it!” message from you I have to resort to walking away from a product I love?
You can do better, tech support!

I’m rooting for you!
We’re done.
I am truly disappointed that this was not resolved. I will be pursuing a refund and letting everyone know how great Cathe is... but how terrible her customer support is.
Wow. I am just stunned that you couldn’t even respond to a very simple customer request from someone who has used your products and been brand loyal for over 15 years.
What a shame.
What a shame.
Hi MaammaaJamma,

We're not having any known issues right now, but when you purchase through Apple instead of us you have to deal with Apple directly. Apple does not allow us to access accounts for customers that sign up directly through them. Hence, there is no way we can assist or help you as Apple requires anyone who purchases any app from them to deal directly with them. Also, if you purchase our app through Apple you can only use the iOS and TvOS apps. I would certainly help you if I could, but without the ability to access your account there is nothing I can do for you except refer you back to Apple.
I cannot log in. That’s the issue. And that’s not Apple. That’s you. My username and password work perfectly for this site. They do not work for the app. I want to use the app on my iPad. No other issues.
It has taken you 60 hours to get back to me on a very simply matter. I continue to be very disappointed.
PS When a customer is neglected and you are clearly in the wrong, you might begin your eventual correspondence with, “We are so sorry you are having this issue and we are committed to making everything right. What can we do to assist you?”
Instead, I am basically hearing, “Not our problem. Go pound sand.”

I’m getting a refund. And you have lost my business permanently.
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Hi MammaJamma, I understand that you can't log in and your frustration, but you signed up through Apple and hence they control your login information and your account, not us, Yes, your forum login information is controlled and stored by us, but this has nothing to do with your login information or your account for the app you purchased from Apple. Even if you gave us your login information we still could not help you as Apple will not allow us access to your account or to troubleshoot the issue. Apple requires anyone who purchases an app from them to also go through them for support.

I know it's confusing, but Apple requires companies like us that have our own app to also allow customers to also be able to sign up through Apple. However, Apple does not allow us access to customers records that sign up through them.

We help people everyday that have signed up through us with login problems and we would help you too if we could. But since Apple will not allow the access we need to help you we can only refer you back to them. I truly wish their was another option.
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1) Thanks for getting back to me.
2) Why is this not stated clearly in your FAQ?
3) Why did it take three days to get this question answered? It’s a simple query with a “simple” solution.
4) Your developer needs to make the sign in process much clearer and more user friendly. There is no option to recover a lost password or to change it in the app. If your password is lost or compromised, you’re stuck with an app you cannot use. Someone needs to get on this. This is not the first time I’ve had this issue.
5) I despise conflict. And I hate filing up thread messages with complaints, but this has sincerely been a frustrating experience from someone who just wants to do a step aerobics workout and get on with her day. Instead, I’ve spent the last three days irritated when this could have been addressed on the day of my purchase. It absolutely should not be this complicated.

VERDICT: Customer delight is sorely lacking. Value add some user friendly interface. And work on customer support times. Brand loyalty depends on consumer happiness. You’re losing business with the current approach. Including mine.

Good evening.
Hi MammaJamma,

Let me try to answer all of your questions and concerns. I'm sorry it took three days to get back to you, but we're closed on weekends and I don't believe you contacted our customer support team at [email protected]? Our discussion forums are also not monitored by our customer service staff and are not intended to be used for specific customer service issues. Our discussion forums are mainly for Cathletes to help each other and to communicate with each other. We will jump in when we can to help or answer questions, but you will usually get a faster and better response by contacting our customer service staff at [email protected]

Also, all of our apps all come with the ability to request a new password and always have, but this only true if you register with us. Once you click on the sign up through the Apple link you leave our "app code work" and are transferred to the Apple login. Unlike, our app login this is not something we control or can change.

Lastly, our FAQ only has the most popular answers to questions our customer service team receives. Perhaps this issue should be added too, but I'm not sure how many people would actually see it. We find that most people that sign up through the Apple App Store never visit our sign up page on our website. Instead, they sign up through the Apple App Store by doing a search. Unfortunately, Apple has very strict rules on what we can and can not say about signing up on our app in their store. We are not allowed to mention that you can also sign up directly through us or what the differences are.

Normally, signing up for our streaming service is not a frustrating experience, but any kind of technology can be problematic and I am sure aggravating too. I'm sorry this has been the case for you, but for every problem, there is a solution. It just takes a little time and effort sometimes.

In talking to our customer service staff the most common login problem is an incorrect user ID. This id should be either your complete email address or everything in your email address to the left of the @ sign. I'm not sure if this will help you, but it might. Also, if you ave already canceled through Apple and only recently signed up they may not have charged you and or I would think they would refund your money. You can then sign up through us and get access to all of our apps and our customer service team can then help you with any login issues. Our customer service is available by email M-F: 9 am to 5 pm est. Hope this helps!
I forgot my password here so I can't log onto my roku. When they sent me the link to reset the password it requires that I know the currrent password. So I guess I'll never get to log on now because I don't know my current password. So how do I know this since I forgot my password.
Hi Crissy,

I'll try to help you, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say "I forgot my password here" ? Are you referring to your Forum password as this has nothing to do with your streaming password?

Also, you don't need to know your current password to request and change your streaming password. It sounds like, but I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, that you can't log in to your Roku, but you're going to your computer to try to change your password? If you are still logged into your streaming account on your computer you will only have an option to change your password, not request a new password. To request a new password on your computer you have to first log out of your account. You will then see an option to request a new password and the only information requested should be your email address.

I would also suggest you contact our customer service staff at [email protected] as I'm limited on a public forum with the information I can request or send you. Let me know if this helps?

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