Can you taste????


Flaxseed oil if you put it in a protein shake? How else are people using Flaxseed and has it made a difference for you? I hear such wonderful things about this stuff and I'd love to know. Does anyone out there grind it themselves? How do you do that?
Hi I use Flaxseed gelcaps..............m

3 gelcaps = a tablespoon of the oil itself. I know people use it as a dressing on their salads. I find that it is wonderful for PMS. I basically don't have PMS much anymore since starting the flaxseed gelcaps. I have never personally tried the oil itself I think though if I remember my sil talking about it, it has a nutty taste. Hope that helps you some.

Take care and God bless you!!!

RE: Hi I use Flaxseed gelcaps..............m

I grind it in a coffee grinder and put it on my cereal before I pour the soymilk on it. But, I have also put it on salads and in protein shakes. It makes the texture a bit slimy, but not too bad. I think it tastes nutty.
I have just literally started taking Flaxseed oil in capsules TODAY, and boy, does it repeat on you ! Blurgh ! Still it will be doing me some good I have no doubt. Interested in that PMS link though, being a PMDD sufferer.

Anna :)
I grind it and put it in soy shakes or sprikle it on my oatmeal. I've found a really good-tasting flax: golden flax seeds. They taste a bit nuttier than the regular dark ones. Now foods has them at a good price. They are also available (at three times the Now foods brand price) through

I prefer the whole flax seeds, ground fresh, to either the pre-ground flax or the flax oil, because it is fresher and stays fresher longer. As soon as oil hits the air, it starts to oxidize.
I found this site for you that tells the benefits of flaxseed oil....

hope this works and it helps,1525,783,00 .html

I don't know if it will link it or not but this site talked about the pms and menopausal benefits of flaxseed oil and other benefits also.

God bless you !!


Oh I can't get the whole thing to link but if you add in the numbers at the end you should get there, sorry!!!
RE: I found this site for you that tells the benefits of flaxseed oil....

Thanks Annette !!!!!!!:)

I will check it out

Anna :)
I grind Flaxseed because it is so inexpensive compared to flaxseed oil. By the way, flaxseed oil is great on salad and steamed vegetables. Anyway, I grind my flaxseed in the little mincer attachment that came with my Braun hand blender. The seed is very soft and easy to grind. It tastes great on oatmeal or other cooked cereal. I also mix it in protein smoothies.

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