Can you still use this as an excuse?


Hey everyone,

Say you have had two children and can't get those "flat abs" you want. Now, keep in mind, said children are almost 30 years old:7 . Can you still use that as an excuse for not getting the flat defined abs you want?

LOL!..........just kidding!

But really, how do you get the abs YOU want?

There is no better excuse than child bearing for elusive 'flat abs'!!:+ :D My Babes are 17, 15 and 12 and my lower belly will never cease to be a reminder of the limits to which it was stretched to bear them. Even at my leanest and most fit times the flesh still makes a pooch. For many of us the only way to get flat abs is tummy tuck! We can also blame our parents (another old excuse:+ ) as some people's skin is inherently more elastic than others. Leaning out, lots of lower ab work, pilates, planks and lycra panties should help:)

Take Care
Sure you can!!! My daughter is 26 and my twin boys are 23...I blame them for everything:7 !!!

Actually...I was told to eat cleanly, and do more cardio. I've actually have noticed a small difference. I do Coremax 3 times a week. I still can't feel my obliques though...only fatx( ! But I'll keep trying. Let's keep each other updated.:)

Great! I was hoping I could, LOL. Yeah, I can feel my six pack, you just can't see the bottom half of it due to that "pooch". I eat pretty clean, but I will never be able to drink enough water. I just don't care for it. I do drink more than I used to though.

I hate the lower ab work x( . But I guess I need to focus on that a little more and those dang planks.



WOW, that's great! We parents get "blamed' for things in their lives, right? LOL
I do quite a bit of cardio and don't think I want to do much more. I've been accused of being "to skinny" already
:eek: . Plus, my butt gets flat when I do too much cardio.;(. Gee, do I get toned abs OR a flat butt and MAYBE those defined abs? Hmmmmm, decisions, decsions:).

Yeah, keep me posted on your progress.


Both of you have a great weekend!!!

No. I'm 56, have 2 kids ages 34 & 34, and I have flat abs. I do Pilates ab exercises 4 times a week, and med ball exercises 2 times a week. Nice try, but it won't work!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
Awwww, c'mon:) . I should at least be able to use the genetics excuse Dianna threw out there:7 .

KUDOS to you honeybunch1! I don't think that I will ever have the abs of my dreams. I guess I'm just not dedicated enough to the really, really clean eating thing(it's that dang peanut butter, LOL). Hopefully I'll be able to get close enough to satisfy me though. I don't have that far to go. I just need to find a combination of exercises that work for me.

Have a good one!

Awwww, c'mon:) . I should at least be able to use the genetics excuse Dianna threw out there:7 .

KUDOS to you honeybunch1! I don't think that I will ever have the abs of my dreams. I guess I'm just not dedicated enough to the really, really clean eating thing(it's that dang peanut butter, LOL). Hopefully I'll be able to get close enough to satisfy me though. I don't have that far to go. I just need to find a combination of exercises that work for me.

Have a good one!

Hey Charlotte,

Yes, unfortunately I know I need to eat clean and I do most of the time. Well, except for the water thing and having my treats every now and then. I just can't bring myself to drink tons of water, I really don't like itx( . But even at that I am drinking more of it.

Thank you for the link, I'm going to check it out.

Oh, and I loved your cow saying. To cute!(but true :7 )

Have you tried flavored water like propel? I know what you mean. I only drink alot of water when I am working out, but I usually drink tons then. I prefer diet coke or green tea when I want to treat myself. BTW, your welcome.

Thanks for posting those ab exercises again. I WILL have flat abs, I WILL have flat abs!!!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
LOL Maeghan!!!

I can't say that your chant is mine as I have NEVER had flat abs!!! I have always had flabby abdominals and don't even have the excuse of being pregnant!x( x( x(

I am also one that can feel them, but just can't see them...especially the lowers!

I WILL have flat abs....I WILL have flat abs!!!!!!!
About drinking water... I have found that the less water I drink, the more nauseous it makes me and the less I want to drink it. However, although the initial phase is uncomfortable, once I am drinking water regularly, it becomes pleasant and I feel thirsty (crave water) more often.

Also, I have found that when the water is too cold I can't tolerate it. I try to drink about six glasses of water (not cold) all at once -or three, then three later- in the morning, so if I drink more water during the day I see it as a "bonus" and it comes out naturally, not as a task. And obviously when working out your body asks for water.

To motivate me to drink water and (eat healthy) I think of the effects it has on my skin and hair. My feet, hands, and mouth become dry if I don't drink a lot of water. In fact I use my mouth as an indicator of my level of hydration. As soon as my lips start getting dry then I know I should drink more water.

Well, I hope you are not sleeping by now. :+
About the abs... Yes, use it as an excuse but keep working on your six pack at the same time, because it really is possible.

Good luck!


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